Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth The Money? Success Stories From The Inside!!!

Are you doubtful about all that you’ve heard about Wealthy Affiliate or just want to be sure that it works? Probably you’re of the seeing is the believing type. That’s not a problem because the platform gives you the opportunity not only to see but test as well.

While most successful members have believed in themselves to see results with the training, I will be a dishonest person to tell you that Wealthy affiliate gives a magic key to rake in $ without any work. Heck no!

No thriving business attained higher heights by clicking magic buttons here and there. They have systems that work. That’s what Wealthy Affiliate brands you with the training.

To be upfront with you, Wealthy Affiliate has proven to be a worthy investment on my part. NOT only me, but people from all walks of life have also testified to it with their results! Most of them started as a complete newbie like myself. Not computer geeks but willingness to be financially FREE.

Is It Really Worth Trying and Your Money?

It’s YES and NO….!

It’s YES………….

The list goes on and on and on……

But it’s NO………

Look, if Wealthy Affiliate is not worth your money then it isn’t the system but “YOU”

The Proof That WA Is Worth The Money And Works. SUCCESS STORIES!!!

Meet Dylan, one of the lovely and old members whom I’ve benefited a lot in my journey. He shares his experience with the community but started off not knowing much about internet marketing.


Today, he can sell one of his sites for $30,000 and that’s not for the first time. He achieved all these by the training at Wealthy Affiliate.


Here’s Jerry. A 21 years old college dropout who now makes 4 figure income monthly but this post he shares how he raked $40 K within 4 hours. He couldn’t have done this without the experience he had gathered in Wealthy Affiliate.


He’s one of the young ones that challenged me to build my online business. If he can do it, I can also do it, that was my resolution. Now, I’m also doing it and so can you.


That’s Ralph, a part-time kickboxer who was swallowed by $30K credit card debts before finding Wealthy Affiliate. With dedication and commitment to wealthy affiliate training, he’s now a 6-figure income earner.

The above is just a tip of the iceberg of his earning. That’s even a 5 figure in a month which is even higher than someone’s annual income. Yuh, it’s real and not a cook up story.

Eddy with a y, an inspirational member and a mentor I look up to in the community. He only found his success after he joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2008. Hitherto, he wandered on the internet since the ’90s but couldn’t find any success.


Today, not only does he make over $100k but now an SEO consultant for several companies which make him huge sums of money. How did he get there? The training at Wealthy Affiliate made it possible because of what he’s become in the process.


The woman that resonates me with her earning report, Grace aka Littlemama. I’ve learnt a lot through her training on the platform. That training would have been sold for huge money somewhere but it’s free on the platform.


She’s climbing higher to 6 figure monthly income with the training Wealthy Affiliate and the supportive community is offering her. With the success she’s chalking in WA, there’s no stop to being a work at home mom. That’s been one of her motivation.


There are always doubts on the minds of starters who join the platform which is mostly attributed to scam experience. 

Here, Robert shares his over 5 years of experience on why Wealthy affiliate is a worthy investment. He provides two sides of the coin and the success he’s found with the platform which is not magic but replicable by anyone provided you take the training seriously.

I don’t think he would recommend it if he’s not benefited from WA since he joined the community. His interest to learn how to build websites himself without having to hire someone landed him on Wealthy Affiliate. That was inspired by a small taste of success he had previously experienced online and upon joining, he has unlocked a lot of insights to his success.

WA Is Best Place To Be and I Ain’t Quitting!!! Why People Find Reasons To Be With the Platform?

When something has value to offer, you cling to it. But in the world of 9-5 jobs, most people can’t leave their jobs for a number of reasons. Some stick to it because of the love for the job but that doesn’t pay the bills. Does it?


Others are paid enough from quitting but you work so hard that you don’t get fired. That’s the reality out there. Is a question of whether you can keep up with it for the rest of your working life?


Members of Wealthy Affiliate including me are still with the platform not only for financial freedom but the kind of person it has made us.


There are 1000’s of reasons to give you myself……Check what others are also saying…

Nathaniel, a resourceful member of the community shares his “why”. The smile on his face should even tell you. He joined Wealthy Affiliate with the aim to make money in different time zones and ultimately have a 24/7 cash flow. He’s achieved far more than that now and the smile he wears on his face explains it well.

He gives very thoughtful reasons including but not excluding full-time income generation, weekly webinars, behind the scene connections, getting help when he needs it and discovering new ideas within the community.

These are things you get as bonuses within the community.

Jaime, a retired US army due to medical issues discovered WA in his quest to work at home and provide a better life for his family. Today, he’s not only happy to have made that decision then but still staying with the community for a number of reasons.

One who knew nothing about computers except for turning it on says, the WA works, the support within the community is amazing and the bottom line is, WA is the best ever he’s come across.

There’s a saying that before a blind person cautions to throw something at you, he knows what is under his feet.

A health, beauty and fitness enthusiast, Genevieve who once hated her job now smiles for the success WA has helped her achieve. As a young lady, she wanted TIME for herself and be able to enjoy life to the fullest admiring the beautiful nature of the world.


Today, her success story is not different from what several WA members have shared. She’s not leaving wealthy affiliate, no, never, not at all…. What about you? Get on board for free now!!


This is Pete, who finds a reason to be in wealthy affiliate since he joined in 2014. He continues with the training of the platform. To him, writing content is not the only way to make money with the training Wealthy affiliate gives, but creating websites for clients with the tools WA provides.

He’s found his sweet spot making money with the websites he designs for local businesses.

Meet Bryan, one of the elders in the community, joined Wealthy affiliate because social security plan failed him. After 46 years of working, he faces the reality that the social security plan is social insecurity. To this cause, he pursues a better life of financial freedom even with not much experience with computers.


Are you thinking about your security? Bryan’s experience can be advice to you or probably something you can relate to. What are you waiting for? Test it FOR FREE. No credit cards!


Can you see how worth WA is and why I’m not leaving?

My field is chemical engineering and I love it but I don’t want to be financially incapable in my life. The desire to be an extension of help to others is my ultimate drive in pursuing the opportunities that WA presents.


That’s why I ain’t quitting. I do it part-time and the results I’ve seen is too good for me not to achieve bigger results. I was so much astonished when I made my first sale for my first 3 months into the training.


It wasn’t much for the first time but it gave me the confidence that WA works if I’m willing to work the system. And I’m glad to be with the platform still.

Which Category Do You Find Yourself?

Are you stuck with your career because you love it but offers not enough money to pay the bills?

>> Or maybe you hate your job,

>> Or insecured of life after pension,

>> Or tired of rat race life,

>> Or want to be a work at home dad or mom

>> Or want to travel around the world

If you answered YES to any of the above, Wealthy Affiliate can help you realize it. The only person that will prevent you from succeeding is YOU!

This is why ………….

Your journey to successful business mastered in Wealthy Affiliate is simplified in 4 major steps.

It’s all begins with an INTEREST. Discover what you love doing and if you can’t find any, WA helps you out.


Your might be passionate about something like;

  • >>  Cooking
  • >> Wellness and fitness
  • >> Playing guitar
  • >> Sports
  • >> Technology and the likes

WA helps you to see the business potentials in these areas to start a business with.

#1 Choose An Interest

choose an interest

#2 Build A Website

building a site

Set up your business to help people. BUILDING YOUR WEBSITE


That’s get paid for helping people find solutions to their problems on the internet. 


There are numerous opportunities on the internet and WA leads you the way to find several of them.

Getting customers to your business. 


That’s getting TRAFFIC to your website through SEO techniques. 


With SEO, WA has got your back to teach you the right method to generate long-lasting free traffic from Google.

#3 Get Visitors

website visitors

#4 Earn Revenue

make money with site

The cause for celebration. MONETIZE your website to generate passive income. 


This is where you cure “cancer of the wallet” with affiliate programs or selling your own products. 


Programs that pay you commissions when someone uses your affiliate link to make a purchase at merchant websites.

You don’t have to get your own products and WA helps you find several of those programs. Sounds simple, right? It’s hard work that brings the results but it becomes fun eventually.

Maybe You Have No Idea of Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is an online training platform that provides internet marketing training to individuals with the urge to build their very own online business. Irrespective of your knowledge level with computers, the training makes it easier for you to grasp everything. The training platform has been in existence since 2005 and its numbers speak of the success…

WA about us

Founders of Wealthy Affiliate -The Great Minds!

kyle and carson
Kyle and Carson, the founders with their families

The founders of Wealthy Affiliate are two Canadians called Kyle and Carson. These great minds created Wealthy Affiliate back in 2005 and since then have grown to a bigger community of several nationals recording more than 1.5 million members.


With increasing daily sign up, I believe that the Wealthy Affiliate community will grow exponentially in the coming years because they are doing a great job helping people to make money online. They’re working 24/7 to give the platform the best features that you can ever get.


There’s no doubt that Kyle & Carson have tons of experience of making money online and internet marketing. They do not only train you while they sit on the fence themselves, but they also have several websites implementing the very thing they teach. Just as a bird can’t teach its fellow how to swim, so can’t you succeed with a so-called expert of internet marketing who hasn’t tried what they’re teaching before.


Those experience and their wonderful team, have also helped several people to reach their financial goals as well and make a living through the Internet.


The unprecedented and amazing thing is that you can directly contact Kyle and Carson, the Founders of WA!

                                                                  See you inside wealthy affiliate!

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