Is Wealthy Affiliate Really Free? [Revealed!]

It’s probably the first question on your mind, “Is Wealthy Affiliate Really Free?” We’ve all been in such a position when some things seem too good to be true.

And there’s no problem having your doubts if someone is telling you Wealthy Affiliate is FREE. The internet presents a lot of opportunities as much as great losses when you make a bad decision.

Could the Wealthy Affiliate Free jargon be one of these baits? Perhaps, it could truly be free.

Allow me to reveal all that’s in this FREE offer.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Free?

Wealthy Affiliate costs either $0, $49/month, or $99/month depending on the membership type. The free membership is the $0 offer which usually requires no financial information to sign-up. However, the free membership may not be available to you depending on the country you’re residing.

But is the free membership really free?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate free membership is free. However, you can’t expect to have all the state-of-the-art features available to the paid memberships.

To have full-spectrum features, you may have to upgrade. That will move you from Starter membership to Premium or Premium Plus based on your budget. When you upgrade you can’t go back to your Starter (FREE) membership.

I know what you’re thinking…..The free is cool, but WAIT!

Let me break it down for you.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership cost $0 forever as long as you don’t upgrade to a different membership. The security here is that you don’t commit your financial information to the platform until you upgrade.

So what do you get with the Starter membership? I’m glad you asked! While you don’t get access to all the premium features, you’re given:

  • Live 24/7 help (First 7 days)
  • Integrated training help (First 7 days)
  • Core Certification Course (10 lessons)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp (10 lessons)
  • Training Classrooms (2)
  • Keyword Research Tool (30 searches)
  • Website Builder
  • Security Package
  • SiteSpeed Performance Boost
  • Duplicate Content Checker
  • Server Class (Amazon c4.large)
  • Bandwidths (1000 visits)

What you get in the Starter Membership provides you with the basic training in affiliate marketing and tools to launch your very first website without coding.

While these features give you a feel of Wealthy Affiliate features, they can only take you as far as your decision point of whether this path is for you. It’s extremely difficult to build a robust business with these features without upgrading.

If you’re interested in having first-hand experience with the platform, try it here.

Perhaps you want to know what the other membership offers, stick around a bit with me.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership costs $49/month ($19 for the first month) or $359/year. Depending on the season, Wealthy Affiliate can offer discounts which can reduce the price to 51% for the yearly plans. However, I can’t guarantee that they will bring those offers during festive seasons.

$0 to $49/month is a great jump, you may say. Is it worth the value?

Let’s see what they provide with this plan. I guess that can help answer it fully. With the Premium membership, you’re provided:

  • Certification Core Training (50 lessons)
  • Bootcamp Core Training (70 lessons)
  • 52+ Expert Classes Per Year
  • Intermediate Website & Hosting Package ($100/m value)
  • 25 Premium Websites
  • Enhanced Hosting Security
  • Daily Backup
  • SiteSpeed Extreme Caching
  • 24/7 SiteSupport
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Bandwidths (250,000 Monthly Visits)
  • Duplicate Content Checker
  • Jaaxy Lite ($19/m Value)
  • Enhanced Affiliate Program Search
  • Private Messaging
  • Unlimited 24/7 Live Help

The premium membership comes with a whole lot more than I’ve summarized here. Considering the all-in-one features provided, I think it’s worth the amount, especially for starters.

You get both training courses in addition to weekly live classes from experts with different experiences in the affiliate marketing journey. In addition, someone is always online to chat with you should you need any assistance.

One of the reasons that made me like the platform when I tried it as a starter is the helpful community, and how people freely share strategies that are working for them.

That was a game-changer for me. Besides, you get all you need in one platform to run your business without having to turn any bolt here and there.

If the premium membership provides complete features to succeed online, why would you think of upgrading to Premium Plus?

That’s a good question! Exactly my thoughts! I haven’t tried the Premium Plus membership but it’s said to be for Power Users.

Let’s see what that offers.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus Membership Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus costs $99/month ($50 for the first month) or $995/year. It comes with all the features in the Premium Membership plus other perks with extended capacities.

The unique thing about the Premium Plus is that you get 16% OFF, $100 in credits, and 2 domains with the yearly option. You get that in addition to all the Premium Membership features with the following extensions:

  • 200+ Expert Classes Per Year
  • Advanced Website & Hosting Package ($250/m value)
  • 50 Premium Websites
  • Advanced Hosting Security Suite
  • Bandwidths (1,000,000 Monthly Visits)
  • Priority Expert Private Help
  • Jaaxy Enterprise ($99/m Value)
  • Instant Competition Analysis

The Premium Plus Membership costs a heck of a lot of money. The main catch in addition to the extra features is live classes from several 6-figure Wealthy Affiliate members.

They show you the “secret potion” to their success. Hence, its worth depends on what you want to accomplish. However, I wouldn’t recommend that to a beginner.

You have the information now, but is Wealthy Affiliate worth the price?

Let me handle it with the facts here.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth the Price?

Wealthy Affiliate’s price is worth the training and resources you receive especially as a newbie. The core training provides you with the foundation of affiliate marketing, keyword researching, content writing, website creation, and content promotion.

However, you may not find much value in its core training as an experienced or advanced affiliate marketer. What may be useful to you would be the community, weekly seminar, networking, and training from other experts on the platform.

In terms of costs, I’m yet to come across a platform that provides affiliate marketing training, a like-minded community, members’ (experienced) training, hosting, website support, needed tools, and resources for $49/month. Write it in the comment if you’ve found one like that.

In summary, Wealthy Affiliate is worth it for all you get as a newbie but you may have to look elsewhere if you outgrow their services.

Final Thoughts (Recommendations)

Wealthy Affiliate is totally free as long as you stay on the Starter Membership. However, this membership doesn’t give you all their features. You get the chance to test their Premium features for 7 days though.

The paid memberships come with their perks but you can’t downgrade to a Starter membership once you upgrade.

As for whether a Wealthy Affiliate is worth the price, there are mixed answers depending on people’s experience. What I would recommend is that evaluate the service they provide against the money, try out the free membership and make your own decision.

Personally, I’ve learned a lot from the platform when starting off. Compared with other places I checked, the price is worth it to me and I choose to end my membership anytime I want.

In short, test it out for free and make your decision. Don’t let anybody sugarcoat you into it. In the end, it’s your hard work of putting the principles learned into action that makes you the money. Not any quick scheme, magic wand somewhere.

Test Wealthy Affiliate here.

Over To You!

If you happen to try it out, kindly drop your experience in the comment below to help people with your viewpoint. Until then, Shalom!

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