Wealthy Affiliate Review: The Program Helping Many To Create Successful Businesses!

Hey Champ! I’m glad you’re here. I’m sure you’re looking for a genuine way to make multiple streams of passive income online and I believe Wealthy Affiliate is the right program to take you to that dreamland. 

It’s the program that has helped me and still helping hundreds of thousands of people with no prior knowledge or experience in how things work on the internet to make full-time income even working at home. People from all walks of life are writing their success stories. 

I’m one of those people who have tested the program and have been transformed in so many ways. I’m proud to be called a student of Wealthy Affiliate because it’s been a great journey so far with them. 

In 2018, at the brink of giving up on how to make money online to take care of my Mom and help the needy because of losing money to get-rich-quick schemes, I stumbled on Wealthy Affiliate which revamped that hope in me. Now, I’m able to make passive income just working part-time while I do my graduate studies. 

With such a transformation that I’ve undergone, I truly believe it’s possible for anyone to find success with the right mindset, training, support, mentorship and tools. And the best part is, you don’t need any experience and much money to take this leap. 

Before it sounds like I’m jumping the gun, let’s take a dive into Wealthy Affiliate and how it can help you make passive income.  

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Name: Wealthy AffiliateWealthy Affiliate Main page

Year Founded: 2005

Founders: Kyle and Carson

Website: www.WealthyAffiliate.com

Platform: Affiliate Marketing Training Platform (Online)

Support and Community: Excellent

My Overall Rating: 9.7 out of 10

Recommend?: Yes

Summary: Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform that teaches people how to make money online by turning their passion into online business. In addition, provides you with the needed tools and a community of likeminded people to learn and develop yourself. The community keeps increasing every day with several success stories being achieved by people of different backgrounds. 

>> Join Wealthy Affiliate Now! << 

What Is Wealthy Affiliate About?

Wealthy Affiliate is an online training platform that teaches you how to build an online business from your passion through internet or affiliate marketing.

It takes you from scratch and grooms you in the affiliate marketing world sharpening your skills in SEO strategies to build a long-lasting business of consistent income. 

If you’re new to affiliate marketing, it’s promoting products and services of merchants and receiving commissions on sales made. Not only does Wealthy Affiliate (WA) provides you with the training on how to do that but it gives you the tools to build and manage your business. 

You don’t have to be a computer geek to partake in the training or succeed. There are actually several others who knew nothing with computers but are now successful due to the training. 

Wealthy Affiliate Founders’ Short Intro

A couple of young guys namely Kyle and Carson in the year 2005 started Wealthy Affiliate as keyword lists platform. This had a huge database of most used keywords for Pay-Per-Click campaigns where internet marketers used for their businesses. 

As the service was of great help to its members and these young guys (Kyle & Carson) were also successful in their online businesses, they deemed it necessary to create a training platform where they can teach others to replicate their methods to their success.  

That was the inception of Wealthy Affiliate with training materials and a forum where members could interact to share ideas and get help. With feedback from members and increasing membership, WA has expanded providing up-to-date training and state of the art tools for anyone to succeed online. 

kyle and carson
Kyle with his family on the left and Carson on the right

Today, it’s an understatement to say that Kyle and Carson have achieved their vision of building an online training platform. They’ve created the BEST (in my opinion) all-in-one training platform and community to help anyone who wants to start affiliate/internet marketing. 

Wealthy Affiliate is over 13 years now and has produced different levels of successful internet/affiliate marketers around the world. Diverse backgrounds from ethnicity, religion, education, working-class to retirees who are making passive income online. 

Before I continue, if you make up your mind to join Wealthy Affiliate at any point, note the following;

  • It’s Free To Get Started: The Starter Membership is free to join and no credit card is needed. 
  • I’ll Help You On Your Journey: You don’t have to reinvent the wheel of trial and error to know the right things to be done. You have access to my over 1-year experience to guide you on the right path. 
  • It Requires Hard work: You must be ready to learn and unlearn, ask questions and implement all that you’re taught. 

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Your takeaway……

  • Kyle and Carson are passionate to help you build an online business
  • They (Kyle & Carson) were successful online before they started Wealthy Affiliate
  • Wealthy Affiliate is over 13 years now and already people are earning a full-time income with their training

Why Is Wealthy Affiliate The Best Training Program To Start Your Online Business? 

#1. It’s Affordable and Risk-free

You have to siphon thousands of dollars from your bank account to learn about affiliate marketing on most training platforms, a cost I wouldn’t have been able to pay as a student.

Wealthy Affiliate provides you with this training and all related things including but not limited to tools, community support and mentorship to excel in your business at a cost far less than Starbucks cup of coffee a day (49/month and 29.9/month for yearly payment). 

The best part is you can join as a free starter member without having to commit your bank account info. This makes it risk-free if you want to test out how the platform works. You have nothing to lose. See for yourself here

#2. Proven To Deliver Results (It Works!)

Not only are there several expensive training platforms out there but the ones who don’t help you build your business from the right start because most of the methods taught don’t provide lasting results. 

What you’re taught in Wealthy Affiliate are first-hand experiences from the founders and members who are already excelling in the business. You get up-to-date approaches that are proven to deliver results.

WA earning proofs

Compiled in this list are the success stories of various levels that people on the platform have achieved and are still thriving.  

#3 It’s Simply Simple and Quick To Get Started

Starting off as a beginner, a program that takes you by the hand to show you how to build your business is essential to your success. Wealthy Affiliate provides you step by step training and you’re not left in the middle of anywhere to figure out things yourself. 

Every lesson comes with tasks that literally takes you by the hand to implement what you’re taught. An excerpt;

  • Step 1: You select a profitable niche
  • Step 2: Build your very first website
  • Step 3: Create contents to start your business

Everything has been laid out systematically to help you through. If you follow the process, you can get everything done and set your business running in a day depending on your learning ability. 

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My Personal Experience With Wealthy Affiliate

I don’t know how much I would have lost by now if I had not come across Wealthy Affiliate in my quest to fulfil my dreams even as a student. 

Had it not been Wealthy Affiliate, building an online business to create multiple streams of income from things I’m passionate about would have been extremely difficult to do part-time while I’m still in graduate school. 

With it, I see myself a step closer in taking care of my mom and helping the needy in society. A drive that has kept me on this journey. 

My Painful Journey Before Coming Across Wealthy Affiliate

All that I knew was to get good grades in college, win a slot in a reputable company so that I could provide for my mother who singly parented me through the thick and thin. 

While it happened in a way, I didn’t find fulfilment in the job I was doing because it drained everything out of me but the returns didn’t meet the future I projected for myself. “I have to look for ways to multiply my income,” I thought to myself. 

This made me explore what’s out there. I tried several P2P platforms to look for a quick fix, a number of networking marketing companies and other money-generating opportunities. None delivered results. 

I’ve lost a substantial amount of money in the process and the painful part is, I learned little to nothing in personal development. That was the point I gave up trying……..tired!

But something happened………

Some months later, I received a message from a friend, it was about a get-rich-quick scheme. That took me to the internet again to search. I found that it’s a scam but it came with a turning point for me. 

Not only did I find out that it’s a shiny glass scheme but I discovered a genuine way to make passive income online. Voila! 

I got to know of affiliate marketing and a training platform that’s helping many people to make a residual income doing what they love even working from home.

As sceptical as I was due to my past experience, I decided to take a look inside the platform because it was a free offer. NO CREDIT CARD was required so I felt safe trying it but little did I know that it was going to be my last stop platform. It was Wealthy Affiliate. 

As I went through the training and became enlightened about how making money with the internet works, the hope of building my own business revived. 

I thoroughly went through the corners of the platform hoping to find something I could use to paint it a scam but I found none.

Convinced at this point, I decided to stay and now I can humbly say it was a wise decision.

The Journey With Wealthy Affiliate Wasn’t Easy Though – But I Kept On Pushing

In the beginning, I was thrilled with the opportunities that Wealthy Affiliate presented to me.

However, things got tougher along the line. I had started my graduate studies then (2018). There were times I felt like I should quit – not once. Almost counting this one too as a failure. 

This had nothing to do with Wealthy Affiliate but it was my inner conversations (mind struggle). But I found encouragement from John C Maxwell’s book – failing forward. I learned that most successful people failed forward in that they handled failures with enthusiasm on their journey. 

I was refuelled to continue building my business with Wealthy Affiliate. While I was still in the learning process, I made my first $8 from a sale on the 4th month and on the 5th month too, I got PayPal notification as seen below. 

WA first payment

This may be insignificant to someone but as a beginner at that time, it was an aha moment for me. I did it! Since then I’ve been making passive income working part-time on my business while in graduate school. 

Looking back on the things I’ve learned and how I’ve developed myself, Wealthy Affiliate has really made an impact on me. It may be your turn too.

[Click Here To Create Your FREE Account At Wealthy Affiliate Now ]

Many other people with beginnings even challenging than mine are having success with Wealthy Affiliate and you can be one of them. Below are success stories shared by members within the community.  

dylan success storyjerry success storyEddy success storyGrace success storyRalph success story

[Are You Ready To Make Money Doing What You’re Passionate About? Wealthy Affiliate Will Help You Realize It. Click Here.]

Why Do Some People Fail In Wealthy Affiliate? 

Not everyone who joins wealthy affiliate finds success and you would wonder why even with this outspoken platform with great training resources and tools. 

Here are the reasons……..

#1. People With NO or WEAK WHY Give Up Too Easily

These are people not knowing their WHY in starting a business in the first place. People of this category mostly never succeed at anything. Sorry, that’s a fact. 

When I first started this journey, my main drive was to take care of my Mom and help the less endowed in the society. That motivation has been keeping me going and I see it bigger than any challenge. 

But people with no strong motivation, come up with excuses and give up. Some just try it out for a month and quit. 

Some complain that it requires so much work, seen no results and others with “microwave mentality” want to reap what they’ve not sewn. 

You see, an undetermined mind will always find an excuse to give up. 

But those who stay long enough to learn, unlearn and relearn have chalked several successes within Wealthy Affiliate and you can be one of them if you’re willing to work it out. 

#2. People Who Don’t Follow Through The Training To Do Things Right

You might be overwhelmed with the tons of information and training within the platform but it behoves you to follow the systematic plan of the training. 

There are cases where people rush through the training and jumble everything together missing out on important things. Frankly speaking, you can’t get all the knowledge within one month on the platform – you have to take your time to digest the information. 

However, you should see some results within your 3 months (at least some visitors to your site and some engagements) if you’re consistent with content creation and execution of knowledge learned. 

Some people are adamant to change when they keep doing things that don’t deliver results. Bear in mind that as a business, some strategies will work in certain areas while others wouldn’t’ work. 

That’s when you put your creativity cap on to bring out new ideas to help grow your business. Wealthy Affiliate also offers a supportive community where you can ask questions to help you figure out the right ways to solve your problem. 

Some people who don’t persist through problems in their business after implementing a few ideas eventually quit because they feel the immediate results are not proportional to their effort. 

As the internet keeps on evolving, you also have to be willing to change things here and there to keep up with the pace for the long term returns. That’s how you succeed as a business owner but some don’t see it that way. 

#3. People Who Are Impatient To Succeed

People who join the platform with the “microwave mindset” do not stay long enough to reap the fruits of their labour. They skip the training and tries to outsmart the learning process. Most of these people quit after some months of no encouraging results. 

One thing about online business is that it’s hard to predict the next minute. Every sincere affiliate marketer will tell you that. There are times that you’ll put in the hard work but the results wouldn’t be spontaneous as some would expect. 

It becomes discouraging though but it pays off as the results compound if you keep on fighting. It’s said that if you stay long enough at the barbering shop, you’ll definitely get a haircut. 

So if you have the shortcuts mindset, skipping the training wouldn’t do you any good. It’s interesting to know that people would give at least 1 or 2 years to their local business to start making profit but wouldn’t be patient with their online business. 

Those people miss their success visitation when they don’t stay long enough.  

[Do You See Yourself Succeeding After Knowing Why People Fail? Join Wealthy Affiliate Now To Succeed!]

What Does Wealthy Affiliate Offer?

Wealthy Affiliate is popularly known for its beginner-friendly and great training, tools and supportive community which are unparalleled with any platform that I’ve ever found online since my search for genuine ways to make money online. 

The Training

The foundation of Wealthy Affiliate is providing you with training that will help you build your very own internet marketing business. Hence the training is structured to cover all learnings styles which are easy for everyone to get accustomed to. 

Visual, audible and reading learners are accommodated in the step-by-step and action-packed training. Below each training is the comment section where you can drop your questions. They’re answered either by members or the founders who are knowledgeable in that area. 

In the following sections, I’m going to break down the training to you so follow closely.

Getting Started Course

As you create your free account as a beginner on the platform, you’re taken through this introductory course loaded with tons of actions. This training explains to you the concept of affiliate marketing and helps you with ideas on how to start up your very own business. 

In all, there are 10 courses which are for free to help you get started. I can remember vividly how enlightening it was for me to learn and create my very first website with no coding in just 30 seconds. It was such an amazing feeling!

It was so awesome as a beginner on the platform because the community engagement was so helpful in getting started. You might think the training will be less of value since it free but I can personally vouch for the weight it carries. 

Here’s what other members – free starter and premium members are saying about the getting started the course;

  • Wealthy Affiliate getting started

Your takeaway……

  • The getting started course is free for everyone, no credit card needed. 
  • The course content is very thorough and action based to take you from scratch
  • It has a comment section where you can ask questions and also engage with the community

Online Entrepreneur Certification Course (OEC)

It’s a 5 phase series course consisting of 50 lessons where you carry out tons of exercises to build a business in absolutely any niche of your choice. Including the getting started courses (level 1) you’re taken through extra 4 levels. 

  • Level 1: Getting Started
  • Level 2: Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website
  • Level 3: Making Money!
  • Level 4: Mastering Social Engagement
  • Level 5:  Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

These courses are action-packed and take you literally by hand from scratch to a pro-level. Level 2 to 5 are premium courses that help you to build an authoritative business online. 

The level 2 also contains 10 courses which you can see below;

Wealthy Affiliate level two courses

The pieces of training are up-to-date and provide you with proven approaches to how things work online. I’m a living testimony to the effectiveness of the training and the fact that you’re reading this proves that it works. 

Here are a few reviews from members who have tried the training;

  • Wealthy Affiliate OEC review 6

Your takeaway……

  • Level 2 to 5 are detailed to give you insights on how things work in making money
  • The training gives you hands-on practice through tasks at the end of each lesson
  • You get proven tips on how to build authoritative sites and assistance from members

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Affiliate Bootcamp

This is also a premium training consisting of 7 phases (70 lessons) designed for the make money online (MMO) niches to promote either resources in affiliate marketing or the training of Wealthy Affiliate.

Each of these lessons provides you with in-depth knowledge to match up with competing websites on the internet. 

  • Bootcamp 1: Getting Your Business Rolling
  • Bootcamp 2: Content, Keywords and Conversions
  • Bootcamp 3: Giving Your Site Social Value
  • Bootcamp 4: Get Visual. Get Aesthetic. Get a Brand Through Media
  • Bootcamp 5: Knowing Your Audiences & Catapulting Your Referrals 
  • Bootcamp 6: Bing, Yahoo & The Power of PPC 
  • Bootcamp 7: How to Scale Successful PPC Campaigns

As you can see, this training gives you more exposure to the social world and teaches you how to do Pay-Per-Click campaigns to maximize your incomes. This helps you to get an established social presence and scale up your business to the audience you’re targeting. 

They are all action-packed which helps you implement whatever you learn to your business. Below is what you get in Phase 3 of the training;

Affiliate Bootcamp course 3

This prepares you for a highly competitive niche and provides you with the tips to aced out your competitors. This training delves deeper into breaking the grounds of competition and coming out with results. Here are a few testimonies that others are sharing about the training;

  • Affiliate Bootcamp review 1

Your takeaway……

  • All training modules are optimized to provide a deeper understanding of how to get lasting results
  • Teaches you how to brand yourself to establish a social presence on the internet
  • Helps you to maximize income through high converting campaigns

WA Live Training

Since the internet is evolving and Google also updates its systems regularly, WA fills this gap with live weekly training to bring to its members up-to-date and trending issues in the business.

Personally, I enjoy this training so much because I learn new things every week and get to ask questions right from there. 

I’ve joined live training where the Chief training coach, Jay whose face is hard to forget takes us through some tricks in finding Amazon products that make huge commissions.

People from all over the world join this training and everyone gets to ask questions and at the same time implement whatever he’s teaching side by side.  

wealthy affililate live training

If you’ve ever been in live webinars on other training platforms, you’ll realize that most end up with sales pitch – you’re sold a product. WA live training doesn’t sell any product to you because it’s part of the membership package and there are no upsells too. 

You don’t have to worry about missing live training too. Every live session is recorded and made available to members within 24 hours after the broadcast. You can rewatch it several times at your own pace to make notes or capture whatever you missed. 

The live training is one of the things members wouldn’t miss for anything. Here’s what other members think about the WA live training;

  • wa live training review 1

Your takeaway……

  • The live training takes place every week for premium members across the world
  • You get live Q and A session, to receive answers to your questions right from the spot
  • Hot seat webinars allow members to submit their website for live audit and feedback from Jay and members. 

Community Training

To build a real community and caring entrepreneurs of likeminded, Wealthy Affiliate provides tools for members to create training.

This is a feature I’ve not come across in any training platform which makes it obvious that helping people to build a successful business online is the heart of the founders. 

However, the training can be created by premium members who have been in the community for a certain time frame. This brings about diversified training from individuals of different skills to share their experiences with members. You always find value in this training. 

For example, if you’re looking for how to create a custom image on your site to improve visualization, there is training to help you out. Wealthy affiliates in return reward members cash credits who create helpful videos but forbids them from spamming the community. 

wa community training

It constantly checks this so that members adhere to the strict policy. Members love this training for a lot of reasons and here are a few to share’

Your takeaway……

  • Experienced premium members provide helpful tips to help you in your business (knowledge is not in the head of one person)
  • Wealthy Affiliate restricts spammy training to give you the best for your business growth
  • Members providing helpful training earn cash credits which are redeemable in cash

The Tools 

You would agree with me that tools are a strong backbone of businesses (online or offline) that thrive in the market. You’ll need simple, easy-to-use tools yet powerful to deliver results and put you on a competing edge.

Wealthy Affiliate provides you with the state of the art tools which are constantly updated to put you ahead in the market. Let’s get to the details. 

Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix Site Builder

The SiteRubix tool helps you create your website in a matter of minutes. I was startled when I first joined the platform that within 60 seconds, I have my website created and ready to hit the ground. They’ve made things so easy that it’s a no-brainer for anyone to do. 

Usually, setting a WordPress site requires a bunch of steps which might be confusing at times if you’re not knowledgeable in that area. But on WA platform, the SiteRubix tool makes things simpler by following these simple steps;

wa site builder
  1. What kind of website do you want to build?
  2. Choose a domain name of your website
  3. Choose the title of your website
  4. Select the look of your website

I don’t think you’ll want to be figuring out things yourself if you’re getting started. I’m not sure you would like that experience. With the Site Rubix platform, I’ve built several websites within 60 seconds just with a click of buttons.

Site Hosting

The safety and speed of websites play an important role in an online business because not only does it affect your rankings in the search engines but customer usability.

In reason of that, Wealthy Affiliate works around the clock to set the standards in the industry of website hosting. 

The features that come with the hosting not only make things super simple but provides you with faster site speed which you don’t pay separately from your membership.

In fact, even free starter membership get this hosting entirely free together with other tools and the training. 

Just to name a few features you get with WA hosting:

  • Site health analyzer
  • Page speed insights provider
  • Highly optimized WordPress servers
  • Daily website backups
  • Full redundancy 
  • Virus and malware protection 
  • 24/7 automated and managed monitoring

wa site update

The amazing thing is that you don’t pay any extra fee, upsells or whatever to your membership package with these features.

For premium members, you get 10 websites of your own while free starter members get a FREE website on .siterubix.com domains.

I’ve not yet come across a platform that provides such value for these membership packages as Wealthy Affiliate.

About a week ago at the time of updating this post, I received a private message from Carson (co-founder of WA) and guess what. 

As you can read yourself, they’re improving their servers at no extra charges and I get to be one of the few members to test it. WA is really awesome platform!

Site Domains

The first thing you would want is to give your business a brand name that makes you unique among your competitors. This is when you want to have your own domain name.

You don’t have to be shouldering all the technical difficulties by yourself and no need to fret over upsells. 

You probably can relate to upsells if you’ve purchased a domain from other platforms. You won’t find that with Wealthy Affiliate and you get it relatively cheap providing you with the peace of mind to concentrate on your business.

Find below what you get from WA in comparison with other places and you can verify it yourself. 

wa Site Domains

Your takeaway……

  • WA domains are comparatively cheap in the industry
  • WA takes away upsells and provides you with unparalleled features to build  your business

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Wealthy Affiliate Site Content Tool

It’s one thing creating content for your website and another thing providing quality and unique content to your readers. WA has put a lot of features together in this site content tool to not only help you create dynamic and valuable content but set and track your writing goals. 

Apart from this tool helping you to build and organize your content, it helps you to assess your writing abilities in comparison to the community.

This in a way motivates you to be consistent in your content creation. About speed, it helps you prepare templates for different blogging structures which improves efficiency. 

In addition, you’ll find the following relevant features;

  • Over 1,000,000 beautiful pictures optimized through site content for faster page loads
  • Grammar and Spelling checker
  • Plagiarism Checker

WA Site Comment

The success of your online business is dependent on rankings in the search engines and as far as SEO is concerned site comments play a good role in sending you to the front page.

Wealthy Affiliate provides you with features that help you to seek for real comment from members within the community. 

However, you either have to earn cash credit by commenting on someone else’s post or purchase cash credit in order to pay the one that leaves a comment on your article.

You can as well use the give-and-take option whereby you comment on someone’s article and the person in return comment on yours. 

This is one of the SEO strategies to get traffic to your site and I have seen results with my site with this feature. Wealthy Affiliate has strict rules and algorithms to ensure that comments given by members are unique and real to boost your rankings. 

Your takeaway……

  • Increase your rankings in search engines with engagement through site comments
  • Get unique comments from real people to inspire other visitors to leave a comment
  • Earn redeemable cash credit with site comment at a value far higher than what most survey site pays

Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Search Tool

To get your website on the front page of search engines, you need to understand what your audience is searching and the Wealthy Affiliate keyword research tool helps you to do just that. It provides you with a monthly number of searches, websites competing for that keyword and its quality.

I’ve been using it for over a year now and I can ably attest to its usefulness – it’s my go-to tool for generating keywords for content. 

Searching for keywords is just the tip of the iceberg. There are other amazing features that sometimes overwhelm me and you get that as part of your membership package.

Members are automatically placed on the lite version which provides you with basically all that you need to succeed. 

Going deeper into entire features wouldn’t end this review. See an example of what you can use the keyword tool for…

wa keyword research tool

You have a lot of other things that could help you to even spy on your competitors in order to outrank them. 

Your takeaway……

  • Get low competition keywords in a matter of minutes on a click
  • Discover unlimited keywords that send you on the front page of search engines
  • Reveal the metrics behind your competitors to use in outranking or catching up with them

Affiliate Program Search Tool

This is the latest feature that Wealthy Affiliate has added to its arsenals and it’s super helpful especially when you’re just getting started and don’t know where to find affiliate programs for your niche. It gives you a bunch of affiliate programs in a matter of minutes in any niche. 

The affiliate programs have been neatly categorized by niches and other filters which make it easy to use. You’ll find the affiliate program metrics such as minimum payouts, commissions, country and other relevant details that help you to decide on joining or not.

This is very helpful and saves you a lot of time. Believe me, I spent hours searching for affiliate programs on Google when I started my online business and it’s not fun at all. With this tool in Wealthy Affiliate, not only can I get affiliate programs but sign up or follow it for updates. 

Your takeaway……

  • Find high commission affiliate programs exclusive to your niche
  • Discover unlimited affiliate programs in your niche in minutes on a click
  • Avoid the hassle of wandering on search engines to find suitable affiliate programs to promote

The Support

A supportive community is one that will be of good use to your progress and success in your online business irrespective of your marketing level.

Wealthy Affiliate is known for its awesome support channels strategically designed to keep members motivated and focussed. Here’s where WA stands tall in the industry which makes it hard for members to trade it off for other platforms. 

Undoubtedly, there are other good education programs on the internet to learn affiliate marketing but most of them leave you in the middle of nowhere to figure out things yourself and provides no real support in your business.

WA provides you with the environment to find new supportive friends and colleagues who are positive and who will cheerlead you to success and wildly applaud your achievements. 

Wealthy Affiliate support is a high-ticket feature that helps you with website issues, business ideas, mentoring, inspirational and advice on your progress. 

WA Site Support

wa site support response

You don’t want to be in the position where your business is on standstill whereby there are customers to serve but you can’t due to a problem.

That’s an unpleasant scene and since Wealthy Affiliate understands how frustrating it could be, they’re alert 24/7 to help you with site issues. 

I’ve used WA site support a number of times and they respond in minutes, I mean minutes. The response has never gone past 24 hours at worst case.

You might have experience with other places where bots are used to reply to emails but not on Wealthy Affiliate. 

You have real people replying to your message and as you can see above, that’s the founder replying to a support ticket I sent. 

24/7 Live Help/Chat

wa live chat

At the heart of Wealthy Affiliate is the live help or chat which provides you with instant answers to your question in real-time.

No matter where you’re you’ll always get someone online because it’s available 24/7 to help you with any issue. 

It also serves as an avenue to network and also finds mentors to guide you in your business if you’re especially a beginner.

It’s my go-to place when I urgently need some guide or resources to use in my business. 

Premium Coaches

You can’t be on Wealthy Affiliate and feel like you’re living on an Island. Here, you have the founders of WA – Kyle, Carson and whoever referred you to the platform at a click away to mentor and direct you on the right path. 

You’re not left alone to stumble forward in a somewhat haphazard way. That provides you with a great opportunity to learn from people who have been in the business for long and know what works and what doesn’t.

Private Messaging

If you’re an introvert type like me who feels more comfortable having a one-on-one chat with people rather than in a large audience, this feature is what you’ll be using often. This feature helps you to contact Kyle, Carson, and any premium member on any personal issues.

I find this a great way to get advice directly from mentors or experienced members on your business and even build your network to a more personal level.

Live Q & A Sessions

This is more like the live help but it takes place on the weekly webinar training with Jay. While you’re on the live training, you get the chance to ask questions on the subject matter and receive instant answers. 

Your questions are mostly answered by Jay and sometimes by members who’re also live on the training. This gives you the opportunity to get issues on the implementation of ideas learnt on the weekly webinars addressed.

It also comes with a comment section where you can leave your questions even when the live training is over and it will be answered. 

Website Feedback Feature

With this feature, you can request feedback on your website from members to share their thoughts on your page, site design, overall outlook and anything that will help you put your website in good shape. 

However, it works on a credit system –  you give two feedbacks on other websites and receive one in return on yours. This way you have people looking over your shoulders for you to build a good business. 

Training Classrooms

Just like forums where you can drop a question and hope to receive an answer from a member, Wealthy Affiliate training classrooms is no different. Questions asked on any training or blog post are answered by members who have experience with it. 

They’re helpful because you can scroll down to find answers to questions already addressed. This saves you time and avoids any redundancies. 

Ask a Question Tool

In situations where you can’t find already existing answers to your questions or where you want the community’s attention to something bothering you, this feature comes in handy. You can post a question and it will be made visible to members of the community.

I find it a great way to have opinions and advice from members who have experienced your situation before. 

<< Create Your Free Account Here! >>

Your takeaway……

  • You’ll get instant answers to your question in real-time from anywhere in the world
  • Find mentors to guide and advise you on the progress and direction of your business
  • Build a network of successful and like-minded entrepreneurs who understands the language of building an online business

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?

The straight answer is Yes. The reason is that WA not only provides you with a step by step library of training videos but comes with complimentary web hosting, keyword research tools, free domains, site support and the list goes on and on which you can find here.

Even with a well-organized state of the art tools and boatloads of benefits that WA offers at such a low price, some people will still find it not worth the money. 

This might be one of the following reasons. Either the person misunderstands what WA really is or seeks a get-rich-quick scheme.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform with proven methods to help you build an online business that delivers lasting results. People with “microwave mindset” who joins WA expecting to get rich overnight will never find value in WA. 

If you’ve searched the internet on how to make money online, you’ll know that getting rich overnight or quark money doesn’t exist. Every sincere and experienced person who knows how things work online will tell you that. 

Now coming back to WA’s worth, let’s delve into what is required to successfully build an online business. 

Required Items

Wealthy Affiliate ($49/month)

Typical Cost

Domain Name

$5 – 20 per year

$5 – 20 per year

Web Hosting


Up to $20 or more per month

Keyword Research Tool


$20 or more per month

Step-by-Step Training


$100s and $1000s



$100s and $1000s usually per hour

The table makes it obvious that you need not less than $25 to run online business monthly which you have to figure things out yourself. In my experience, this will take you years with 99% guarantee failure.

Wealthy Affiliate, on the other hand, will cost you approximately $1.6 per day which is far less than the Starbucks cup of coffee. Hence, whether or not WA is worth your money is for you to decide.  

Complaints And Hard Truths About Wealthy Affiliate That Most Members Go Silent On

#1. Focuses Mainly On Organic Traffic

Wealthy Affiliate’s training is centred on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which in itself is not a bad thing because it delivers lasting results. However, it takes a lot of hard work and time with consistency to succeed. 

While the core training of WA and those from members teach other traffic sources such as PPC campaigns, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin, I feel that more comprehensive lessons will be great… 

After all, organic traffic is the best for conversions but having in-depth skills in all other areas too can boost income. 

#2. Takes Longer Time To See Results

Due to the nature of the training (SEO) in Wealthy Affiliate, members may not see results as quick as they want which causes some to drag their feet. 

Usually, search engines rank your contents within about 6 months especially if you have a new website. All that while, you have to be consistent in publishing at least 1 content every week.

People who’re impatient quit in about 3 months after they’ve put in a lot of work and results are below expectations. One thing I’ve learnt with this business is that it has some compounding effect if continued.  

But it’s sad that people will continue working for someone in their entire life living paycheck to paycheck and wouldn’t have time to see their business grow. So if you’re looking for quick money, then you wouldn’t want to waste your time on Wealthy Affiliate. 

#3. A Lot of Competition

You’ll be amazed at how Wealthy Affiliate makes it so easy to set up your business in just a day even when you have no experience with the website or whatsoever. 

On the flip side, if it’s that simple then a lot of websites are already flooding the internet making the competition extremely difficult for a new website. I thought of that too initially, but…

The secret to overcoming that is acting! 

Put all excuses in your pocket and do as you’re told in the training and you’ll thank me later.

Recently, Wealthy Affiliate membership reached 2 million but with over 4 billion internet users, you’ll definitely get your share of the market if you do things right. 

Also, Google update is no respecter of old websites. It has become harder and harder for old contents to rank with their algorithm improvement unless updated which gives equal chances for new websites to rank if the content is quality. 

Hence, all that you need to do is act! 

#4. Trash Talks About Other Platforms

This matter is a hot potato on most internet forums if you’ve come across one. Some people claim that Wealthy Affiliate trains its members to talk trash and pronounce all other businesses scams. 

That’s a total LIE and ridiculous. 

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to earn money in 2 ways:

  1. Create an online business from your passion
  2. To promote Wealthy Affiliate

I love playing tennis so one of my sites is in that niche. I also recommend the first one to anyone starting off and there are success stories from members in the various niches. 

So those claims are not based on any facts and you can find out yourself which wouldn’t cost you anything. 

#5. Can’t Downgrade Once A Premium Member

In Wealthy Affiliate, you can either stay on free-starter membership forever or be a premium member which I will expound in a moment. Of course, the resources for the two are not the same. 

Once you upgrade to a premium member, you can’t downgrade to a free-starter member which some people complain about. However, you can terminate your membership and still have your website operated outside Wealthy Affiliate. 

Honestly, I don’t see anything wrong with that. Hey, the founders have to maintain the system which takes money. 

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate has two main membership packages and other variations;

  • Free Starter Membership ($0/month): No credit card info needed – Join Here
  • Premium Membership with 1st Month Discount ($19.00): People who upgrade within the first 7 days get this benefit – Join Here
  • Premium Membership ($49/Month): You get access to everything within the platform with amazing benefits – Join Here 
  • Premium Membership ($495/Yearly): This saves you $93 every year which is a very significant amount –  Join Here And Upgrade On Your Dashboard

All the Premium Memberships give you access to everything that the platform offers in addition to personal coaching from me and other members. The best part is, there are NO UPSELLS and you enjoy all other upgrades at NO EXTRA COST.

Should you decide at any point to cancel your membership, go to your dashboard and follow the procedure. At a few clicks, you’ll be taken off any billing – NO GIMMICKS!

What Do You Get As A FREE Starter Member?

You might be thinking the FREE starter membership is worthless. Let me break it down for you to appreciate its value. In fact, this risk-free membership made me try Wealthy Affiliate. 

You can put your credit card away and try things out without any fear. Here you are;

1. Online Certification Course (Phase 1): You have access to 10 lessons loaded with tasks to build a niche website usually from your passion. You get a deeper understanding of Affiliate Marketing and how to make money online.  

2. Affiliate Bootcamp (Phase 1): Focuses on teaching you how to make money with a website in the “Make Money Online” niche. Available to you are 10 lessons with exercises to equip you with the basic skills. 

3. Training Classrooms (2 out of 12): You’re able to interact with members and ask questions whenever you’re stuck with anything and response comes in minutes. You can also get access to some training of members:

  • Get Started Classroom 
  • WA Affiliate Program 

4. Personal Affiliate Blog: Within Wealthy Affiliate, you’re given a blog where you can write posts

5. One Free Website: Premium members are given up to 10 free sites

6. Keyword Research Tool (30 Searches): A useful tool to help you know what people are searching online. This helps you to target your audience and thus make money.

7. Live Help (First 7 days): Within this time you have 24/7 access to other Wealthy Affiliate members which is a premium benefit. Aids in networking and getting your questions answered instantly

8. 1-on-1 Coaching (First 7 days): You can find Wealthy Affiliate members including me to mentor you to avoid reinventing the wheel. 

<< Create Your Free Account Here! >>

Who Is The FREE Starter Membership Best For

A common question people keep asking – “Can I make money as a free member without upgrading? To answer that let’s start from the essence of the starter package. 

The free membership is to provide you with the basic knowledge of how to make money online and the resources you need to get you started. That’s to give you a bigger picture of what you’re getting yourself into. 

To be realistic here, that wouldn’t be enough for you as a beginner to be successful. While there is very very little chance to make a dime, that will take you long years of struggles. 

So if you’re serious about making money online, my honest advice is you upgrade to the premium when you find value in it after testing. 

AWW, Not Everyone Can Have Access To FREE Membership, Not Even Access To WA

Before April 2019, the following countries were restricted to only premium membership because of high fraud activities, says Wealthy Affiliate founders. 

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Egypt
  3. Ghana
  4. India
  5. Kenya
  6. Morocco
  7. Pakistan
  8. Philippines
  9. Vietnam

There is good news! Now people from these countries can have free starter membership to test things out. 

However, one country is blocked:

  1. Nigeria

People from this country can neither have free membership nor premium membership. Not even using a VPN will work. If you’re from this country and you’re so interested, then check out this. 

The Benefits Of Being A Premium Member

In addition to the free starter membership package, you get boatloads of resources and bonuses if you should join through this link…

That’s complete access to everything you need to succeed in building your online business. NO UPSELLS and NO HIDDEN COSTS which is unparalleled by any affiliate marketing training platform I’ve ever found. 

Getting to the breakdown……… 

  • Complete Online Entrepreneur Certification Course (5 Phases): Consists of 50 lessons with loads of tasks to equip you with the skills to turn your passion into a business. – Start Here!
  • Complete Affiliate Bootcamp (7 Phases): Consists of 70 lessons that provide you with the knowledge to promote products in the “Make Money Online” niche. – Start Here!
  • All 13 Classrooms (11 extra training classrooms): Training from experienced members and founders to solve specific problems in your business. Consists of;

                       >> Search Engine Optimization Classroom

                      >> Authoring & Writing Content Classroom

                      >> Everything WordPress Classroom

                       >> Social Engagement & Marketing Classroom

                      >> Web Development and Programming Classroom

                      >> Keyword, Niche and Market Research Classroom

                      >> Pay Per Click Marketing Classroom

                      >> Email Marketing Classroom

                      >> Video Marketing Classroom

                      >> Local Marketing Classroom

                      >> WA Affiliate Program Classroom

                      >> The Wealthy Affiliate Platform Classroom

                      >> Getting Started Classroom

  • Weekly Live Webinars: Hosted by Jay, an expert in Affiliate Marketing every Friday night, and recordings are made available for people who can’t attend live. You get the chance to ask the expert questions for instant answers. This has been done since 2012. Can you guess how many recorded webinars are there in WA?
  • Private Message Feature: You can send private messages to anyone in WA if you’re not comfortable in chatting on the open live help feature. You’ll be amazed at how everyone is friendly and willing to help in case you’re struggling with anything. 
  • Web Hosting Package: If you want to make money online, then it’s imperative to own a website. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not being honest with you. Wealthy Affiliate provides you with the best you can have as described earlier. 
  • Site Builder Package: This feature really gave me confidence in this business in that for my first time without knowledge in programming, I built a website in just 30 seconds. I was amazed because it takes a steep learning curve in doing it yourself as a beginner. It will cost you more than you think.
  • 24/7/365 Website Support: Not only have they made it easy but you’re provided with support should you face website issues. They usually respond in 30mins. I’ve tried it several times and love it. It could be frustrating if you’re to figure things out yourself. This helps you to focus on your business. 
  • Website Feedback Platform: You can ask WA members to provide you with feedback on the overall usability of your website. This is something people are paying money for but you get it as a complimentary in WA which helps you to build a professional website. 
  • Website Security Package: For your website security issues, don’t go there. Their technical team is working around the clock so that no one hacks. Since I joined I haven’t heard or experienced any hacking issues. 
  • Unrestricted Keyword Research Tool: A valuable tool needed in your online business which you get as a complimentary while others are paying typically around $20 every month. 
  • Many More……..

Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam?

Well, the answer to this question is so obvious with all that being said. You don’t even need me to answer. But for the sake of assurance, Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam. Nowhere near that. 

Wealthy Affiliate is a legitimate training platform of proven methods which is helping people from all walks of life with passion, desire to change their life and unbent will to excel to write their success stories

It’s shocking if I hear someone say it’s a scam which could be any of these reasons. 

  • Couldn’t achieve any results
  • Mad at members who write reviews with harsh conclusions without having detailed information

I know how disheartening it could be as a founder of a business with true intentions if you’re misunderstood by someone and thus pronounce you a scam. 

If any member of Wealthy Affiliate has been unfair to you as a result of lack of information, then my sincere apology as a beneficiary of the platform.   

With that said, the way is your front if you so desire to build your online business. Start Here!

What Does BBB Rating Say About Wealthy Affiliate

You definitely want to be on the safer side anytime you’re trying out an online program or service because money is hard to come by these days. In that case, one credible place you’ll be checking often is Better Business Bureau (BBB) before you make your decision. 

If you don’t know what BBB is then this short video will be of help. 

Wealthy Affiliate is rated A+ by BBB which indicates that they are trustworthy and delivering according to what they claim. Not every business get this kind of rating except they’re genuine and not robbing users of their hard-earned money. 

wealthy affiliate bbb rating

For Wealthy Affiliate to have this rating means it’s a safe place to be and goes to verify all that I’ve shared with you that they have your interest at heart. That I can tell you with all seriousness from my experience with them.  

<< Create Your Free Account Here! >>

My Humble Advice

I’ve been with Wealthy Affiliate since June 2018 and I’ve never looked back nor considered leaving the platform. As a direct result of the training, toolsets, community and networking, I’m able to do my Masters in Chemical Engineering and still earn passive income online just working part-time. 

I love my field of studies but don’t just want to be a Professional Engineer and be broke – not at all. Irrespective of your state, you can do what you love and make money on the internet. You just need a place to start from and training to direct you on the right path. 

So does Wealthy Affiliate work? Absolutely YES!

The training, the tools, the support are designed to help people like you and me from the ground up to the top where you can make a full-time income. The founders succeeded in going down this road and so can you. The amazing thing is that you can start for FREE and put your credit card aside.  

You’ll Find Me Inside To Help You

I’m ever ready together with Kyle, Carson and the community to help you streamline your hobby, experience, talent into a business idea that can make you a full-time income. I’m not promising you a magic wand that will change your financial status in a twinkling of an eye. 

But an opportunity to cut short scams, shiny objects of no value and start a long-lasting business that makes you money while you even sleep – to write your own paycheck. It’s not a bed of roses but it definitely better than jumping from jobs to jobs just to pay bills. 

If I’ve been able to do this as a student, so can you. That’s how I’ve been able to help others like you who were willing to see different results in their life. 

wealthy affiliate support to members

All that you need to do is create your free Starter account and I’ll be there to welcome you. You’ll see a message from me on your personal profile welcoming you to the community. Do well to reply with any questions on your mind and let’s start the journey together. 

The Secret of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started!

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson says: “You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.”

You can either continue down the path of least resistance, the path you have already been travelling, or you can choose the road less travelled. The path of least resistance will probably result in you getting the same outcomes you’ve always received.

But if you want something different to happen, if you want to change the direction of your income, you’re going to have to do something different. Make a new exciting choice, and pursue your new outcome.

Click the link below to create your FREE Starter Account to start your path of creating a new outcome.

Wealthy Affiliate starter account creator

18 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review: The Program Helping Many To Create Successful Businesses!”

  1. Thanks for this wonderful review. I could not have written a better review of the platform myself.
    I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for 10 months now and I must say that I have learned so much! Like you said, it’s a platform for people to LEARN how to make money online. It is NOT for people who want to get rich quick. By the way, get rich quick schemes are only designed to make the scammer richer, and not the member.
    I also learned the hard way when I kept falling for scams over and over again, looking for that “secret website”, or “secret button”, or “secret viral traffic page”, when nothing of the sort exists. They make you believe that money can be made when you have the “secret” code or “secret software”, when the real secret ingredient, is simply hard work and patience.
    We are so wound up in a fast-paced lifestyle, that we want success and money NOW! That’s not how it works online.
    For real, long-term success, we need to work for it and learn it. Which is exactly what Wealthy Affiliate does. Everything I learned about making money online is thanks to Wealthy Affiliate!

    • Hi Reyhana,
      You’re welcome. Thanks for the compliment. Yh, Wealthy Affiliate University is an amazing platform for learning about online business building. People are not getting it that way when they are offered truth. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme and I’m glad that you also see it that way.

  2. Hi Derrick,
    What a fantastic and thorough Review of Wealthy Affiliate. I could not agree with you more with all you said about WA. It has so much to offer for so very little cost. Having been online for many years I could not believe I had not found this platform earlier. (Kicking myself actually) It is a great platform for newbies or those who have had experience with online marketing. There is always something to learn. Again, great Review!
    Cheers, Sharon

    • Hello Sharon,
      Thanks for your kind words. Yes, truly wealthy affiliate university has something to offer to all levels of online marketers. Don’t worry it’s not too late for you to succeed within the university. All the best.

  3. It’s not every day that we come across an article as detailed and informative as this one. Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform for learning online marketing. Anyone who wants to become a successful online entrepreneur should consider this profession like any other profession and take the time to learn it by following your recommendation.

    • Hi Emmanuel,
      Thanks for stopping by. It’s been my drive to help others with similar desires who have fallen on the other side of scams in quest of searching for opportunities online. I hope the right people find it useful

  4. Thank you for your very thorough review of Wealthy Affiliate.
    I have been a member for 4 months and I’m learning so much. The training is very easy to follow and I love the fact that I can go at my own pace. I have joined other platforms before that weren’t free to join and I had to buy expensive products or upsells. WA is great as you can join for free and have a good look around before committing. I went annual as soon as I knew I was in it for the long haul. Anyone who is interested in internet marketing should have a serious look at WA, they won’t regret it!

    • Hello Helen,
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Wealthy Affiliate and you’ve made a great decision going yearly. I hope you find success with the University and I know you will. It’s the best platform I’ve also come across and I hope people who really need their service will find them.

  5. So…I’m from Nigeria and I really want to tap into this opportunity with this online school. How do I get around it? Note that not all persons from Nigeria are scammers pls!!

    • Hello Joseph,
      Thanks for expressing your concern but I’m sorry it’s not my call to make. The owners of the platform decided to deny access to people from your country because of the record of fraud activities. That’s a decision based on a sample population and I couldn’t agree with you more, but that’s the reality.

      I hope the owners reconsider their decision to provide you access. Until then, I’ll see what I can do for you.

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