Income School’s Project 24 Review: Full-Time Income In 24 Months?

Finding yourself on the wrong training platform when starting your online business is a headache you don’t have to buy for yourself, especially as a beginner. There are boatloads of scammers hyping free money online strategies with no real blueprint to produce any good results. Yet, people fall for it because of desperation and impatience.

Is Income School Project 24 one of them or the good few that can help you make money online? To be honest with you, it’s one of the genuine platforms of real experts who have gone through the thick and thin to discover what it really takes to make full income online and can help you replicate the process. 

Wait, does it mean you’re going to make a full-time income in 24 months? YES, and NO……most people who have been taught by real experts have seen results within 24 months and others have not had such results because everything depends on the student and not the teacher. 

24 months is too long, is that what you’re saying or thinking……………?

Truth be told, there are no shortcuts in making genuine money online. You either take the road less travelled to find that success or follow shiny objects that promise castles in the air but drops you on a dead end. 

Income School’s Project 24 is one of the few good training programs that take you by the hand to show you the nitty-gritty of what it takes to make money online promoting products if you’re willing to be taught. 

Before you read any further, here are the things you’ll be getting from Project 24;

  • Honest and proven video training by Jim and Rick to take you from scratch to a well-established business as a newbie 
  • Well organized writing guide to keep you focused on your target for each month to generate a high amount of traffic without building links……all with SEO strategies
  • List of niches put together by the experienced founders to help you find your area of interest saving you a lot of time in getting started in the right niche.
  • Scaling up your business through monetization strategies, creating classic images with their professional photography course and hiring writers to take your business on the next level

Visit Project 24 Here!So sit tight as we delve deeper into what Project 24 has to offer…

What Is Income School’s Project 24 About?

Income School's Project 24

Program Name: Project 24

Founders: Jim Harmer and Rick Kessler


Platform: Affiliate Marketing Training Platform (Online)

Support and Community: Lively

My Overall Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Recommend?: Yes

Income School’s Project 24 is an online-based training platform that teaches you about affiliate marketing which is basically promoting products you don’t own to make commissions any time a sale is made through your affiliate link. Affiliate marketing is by far the evergreen online business that anyone irrespective of experience can start and make a fortune. 

I jumped on that train a little over a year ago when I became tired of scams and shiny objects that drained me of my insufficient college upkeeping money. The program is called Project 24 to connotes that if you give the owners 24 months, they can help you build an affiliate marketing business that can earn you full-time income provided you implement what you’re taught with all seriousness. 

The program designed to literally hold you by the hand teaching you from first hand experienced online entrepreneurs will enlighten you on;

  • How to find the right niche to start building your online business that will last a lifetime
  • The tools that are proven and tested by the founders themselves to help you take off
  • SEO strategies that will keep your posts surfacing on search engines without buying links or whatsoever. 

So Who Are The Faces Behind Project 24

I’ve been following the owners of this program on YouTube when I started my online business and I must admit they’re a real gem. They’re Jim Hammer and Rick Kessler, friends from their college years which has grown into business partners.

Income School founders

Like most people who don’t have fulfilment in their professional jobs, these two friends started their online journey to look for ways they could replace their jobs. 

How It All Started……….

They came to the limelight through their YouTube channel where they shared their experience, SEO strategies with people of similar passion. What drove me to their channel is their openness and humility in sharing their strategies in not only creating quality content but monetizing as well. 

To the extent where they share their niche to the general public to learn from what’s giving them the success and that is something, you’ll hardly come by on the internet. Most so-called gurus of affiliate marketing don’t provide you with real issues on the ground and how to overcome them but these two are like an open book to teach you what works online. 

Upon request from people wanting to learn more from them, they brought up a training program called Project 24 which is aimed at helping people to replace their full-time income in 24 months. You might want to watch this video if you’re doubtful that the program will deliver on its promises. 

These are what you would want to keep before we get into the content of the program;

  • Rick and Jim have built several niche websites and they were successful before creating this training program.
  • With their experience from their niche websites, they’re offering you a blueprint to also replicate to make a full-time income in 24 months provided you work it out. 
  • The founders are down to earth and very open to share with you all the SEO strategies that are giving them massive success. 

What Value Does Project 24 Offer?

If you’re starting an online business, it’s relevant to join a training program with proven methods and tools to help you succeed. In settling with any program, there are three salient key elements that you can’t do away with: the training content, tools and support. 

The Training

The core of Project 24 is to provide you with the training which you can implement to start making money online. It’s designed to meet the learning style of everyone who is willing to enrol in the program. 

Various formats such as video, audio and text are compiled to bring about variety in the training such that no one is left out. So irrespective of your learning style, you definitely have something that will help you build the business you’re looking for. This makes it a no-brainer for anyone to start, no matter your level of education. 

Project 24 Courses

This is the main training provided in Project 24 to take you from scratch as a beginner to an advanced level where you can be independent. They’re are action-packed and literally take you by the hand, step by step to gradually build your website.

This is very important if you’re building an online business for the first time…you need discipline and a stepwise guide to help you with the things that have to be done. 

60 Steps To A Successful Site

Project 24 course 1These 60 steps are designed to hit the road with your newly setup website and they’re organized to give you something to do at every step. This helps you to be focussed and not do things randomly where it’s not geared towards anything. 

In the course, you’re taught how to set up your websites, recommended themes and plugins to use. Just as there is legal stuff that every conventional business owner has to meet, they also teach you how to be legally clean on the internet in running your business. 

In my view, these 60 steps are something worth the money if you really desire to make money on the internet. This is what it entails;

  • How to select a good niche site
  • How to set up a WordPress site
  • Everything you need to know about SEO
  • Keyword research skills
  • How to craft articles that drive traffic
  • How to create well-written and search engine optimized posts
  • How to promote your online business on various social media platforms
  • How to create valuable resource pages
  • How to record screencast videos
  • How to create YouTube videos
  • How to generate revenue through your website
  • How to set up Amazon Associates on your site 

As simple as the topics sound, they’re in-depth to provide you with all that you need to take off.

Search Analysis

Project 24 course 2Most online training platforms introduce you to keyword research tools to find keywords that you can rank on the search engines. There are several keyword search tools but Project 24 teaches you a different thing. Their way of going by keyword research is different from what most YouTubers or online marketers recommend. 

They take you to the source…..Google. Most of their YouTube videos on keyword research have been about that but in their course, they teach you in advanced ways. How to read Google search results and gather ideas to write an article that drives massive traffic to your site. 

Keyword research tools mostly depend on historical data to provide you insights so I kind of side with their approach that is good to go from the source straight but it’s better combining it with the keyword search tools. This course teaches you how to be an expert at that. 

Picking a Profitable Niche

Project 24 course 3There are millions of niches online that you can start an online business but not all of them are profitable. Some of them are affected by seasonal waves which might affect your income. Jim and Rick outline a number of niches in this course and helps you nail it down to where you can make a good choice. 

The niches are so broad that irrespective of the angle you take, you can create a successful business provided you implement what you’re taught. People are tempted to think that ones they’re not the first to have this list, it means someone has taken their spot. The internet is broad and there’s space to accommodate everyone. 

Jim and Rick use the google trend to provide you with depth analysis to arrive at a profitable one. 

No Nonsense SEO

Project 24 course 4The smartest way to make money online is to bring value to the market. In doing that you have to provide helpful resources to your users while following the SEO rules. Jim and Rick teach you that by showing you how to rightly blend keywords in your articles. 

This makes Google love your content and always show it on top of its search results for users. While you provide value to the users it gives you the chance to monetize it to your advantage. 

Web Traffic Snowball  

Project 24 course 5This course teaches how to gain traffic quickly and consistently without wasting much time on social media. Social media engagements are relevant to your business growth but many a time people spend way too much time on social media which negatively affects their traffic. 

I watched one youtube video of Jim and Rick where they shared their experience on social media engagement. In the video, he said that hitherto they used to be frequently on their social page answering people’s questions and sharing things with them but when they checked their google analytics, the results were very shocking. 

An almost negligible percentage of their traffic was coming from there. Since then the focus has been on creating quality content and other strategies. This is what the training is geared towards……to help you avoid such mistakes. 

Email Marketing 101

Project 24 course 6This course goes in-depth on how to do email marketing effectively. This wouldn’t be of any use to you if you don’t have any traffic coming to your site. To help you avoid any unnecessary investment, Jim and Rick expatiate on when to consider doing email marketing.

In the course, you’re taught how to do your campaigns without being spammy. Email marketing when done well boost your income so it’s very important you know how to do it effectively. One email marketing tool they recommend is SendInBlue. They claim it serves them well so it’s good for their students to use. It doesn’t mean you have to use that though. 

Myth Busting

Project 24 course 7Here, the video is dedicated to misconceptions about internet marketing and SEO strategies. More of it is centred on keyword and content blending to send your post on the first page of google. People try to play the algorithms of Google in order to rank so Jim and Rick do a whole video to clear the air of these false teachings and send you on the right path so that you don’t get punished on any Google update. 

In my opinion, it’s a very important video to learn a lot from. To be on top of your business you don’t only have to know what works but what doesn’t work as well. 

Hire and Train Writers 

Project 24 course 8When you grow in traffic and start to get traction, it becomes important to scale up your business. This is a headache for most online marketers, especially when they have to hire people to write for them. It’s not easy to train writers to produce content that suits your brand. 

Jim and Rick really do well on this. They provide the training on where to get good writers, how to groom them and get better deliverability. What you need to do is just train these writers with the tutorial videos and this saves you a bunch of time. 

The video covers teaching writers how to write blog posts that fit your writing skills. This gives you more time to focus on the direction of your business. 

Photography Starts

Project 24 course 9Imagery is an important aspect of an online business. It does not only improves on the outlook on your site but your sessions as well. It breaks the bored of text-based content so you can’t do away with it. In this course, they teach you how to make customized images of yourself or your content to add beauty to your article. 

No wonder they have a website on photography. They are really good at it and that’s a skill they would want you to also have so that you create catchy pictures for your sites. 

Reviewing Your Sites

Project 24 course 10He who creates a path never knows from behind that it’s bent that’s why it’s very relevant to have someone always watching over your back. Here, they’ve reviewed several sites of Project 24 and pointed out what members are doing right and wrong. This provides a good example for you to learn from so that you don’t fall into the same drench. 

The interesting thing is that you can rewatch these videos anytime you want to keep refreshing yourself. 

Improve and Speed Up Your Writing

Project 24 course 11As an internet marketer what you want to do is to create more content by spending less time. You do that by planning and structuring your content to provide a neat outline in getting more content out in a shorter time. I have several templates of post styles that help me to do more in a short time. This does not only help you create more contents but helps you to monitor your duration for writing. 

To develop this skill, Jim and Rick take you through ways to increase your speed for writing more content. 

Monetize Your Site With Ads

Project 24 course 12This is the last but one of the training courses but the very thing everyone who wants to go down this road wants to talk about…… They cover strategies and how to make money with ads on your website. There’s a reason why this is found almost in the last section of this training. 

It’s to tell you that most of your focus has to be on getting more traffic and providing value to the market. Because without traffic to your site no one will get to view the ads and thereby you don’t get any money. I like how they’ve arranged the training because it takes your mind from concentrating on money rather than creating quality content. 

The Success Mindset

Project 24 course 13To be frank with you, it requires more than writing contents to be successful with affiliate marketing. You have to be able to overcome the mindset of failures and learn how to pick yourself up when you don’t feel like going again. 

There are times when I felt like I had to give up myself because it was tedious combining it with my research work. However, the reward is great that is why 1% of people who see that never give up. Since the founders have been there before, they share with you an inspirational message to motivate you when the going gets tough in your journey. 

The video shared is a talk by Jim from the 2018 summit at Boise, ID. This gives you a good combination to embrace this journey of financial freedom with all the armour you need. 


These are audio recordings of Jim and Rick providing insights on how they scaled up their businesses. They share with you what the did and how they were able to get many results. These audios last between 30 minutes to an hour or more. You can be listening to these audios any time anywhere provided you have internet. At the time of writing this review, there were 4 seasons. 

Project 24 podcast


Season 1: Camper Report Get Monetized

This contains about 8 episodes and they discuss how they skyrocketed their website earning from $2,000 per month to about $8,000 every month by doing some smart changes to their monetization. They share with you the strategies they implemented which anyone can adopt his or her website.

This is really important for people with existing websites of a good amount of traffic but is not making any significant money. Listening to this podcast will be of value in adding a new face to your earnings. 

Season 2: Project Roxeburg

This contains about 13 episodes which cover the things they did when they wanted to get a physical office and train writers to help them scale up their business. This tells you that they’re already succeeding in the business and are still looking for ways to maximise their income. 

This podcast is really important to those who want to hire writers to help you scale up your business. Jim and Rick share with you the issues on the ground, how to go by it and the kind of preparation you have to make before you go down this road. 

Season 3: Blogger Finances

This is an important topic that is hardly talked about online and with their experience, they provide you insights on how to manage your finances. The things they share are services they’ve tried and still using. It’s designed to provide you tips on where to invest and how to reinvest into your online business so that you see growth each and every day. 

These are pretty good information for anyone who really wants to make a fortune online. To be frank with you, this is the first time I’ve come across a training program with a full touch on this topic. 

Season 4: Content Warrior Challenge

The episodes created under this season is structured to help people who’re taking the contest of writing as provided by the Project 24 timeline. This is to keep members on the program up and working on their website to drive more traffic to their site. 

In doing that, they answer participants of this challenge the problems they’re encountering to facilitate their growth. Also, they answer questions that people leave on their youtube channel for them to be guided on the right path.

The Tools

All these great contents from the training wouldn’t yield any good results if there are no tools to help you carry them out. Every business either online or offline needs simple, easy-to-use tools but good quality to provide the results that will make you jump on your feet. 

Project 24 recommended tools

The Project 24 package doesn’t come with tools to use for your business like what Wealthy Affiliate does. Nonetheless, they have listed down the tools that they themselves are using to point you in the right direction. These are not tools that they’re just promoting but are what they’ve found success with. The tools are categorized as follows;

Monetize with Ads

This has to do with making money with ads on your website and the company that’s worth joining. Their selection was based on the quality of service, potential revenue you can generate and the quality of ads they serve. Actually, they recommend Adthrive which requires 100,000 page views per month before you can apply. 

You wouldn’t qualify for as a newbie so your best shot will be Google Adsense. 

Website Hosting

This is where you host your website that is they provide you with server services. The speed and security of your website are dependent on this company. They recommend BlueHost for beginners and WPX for established sites. To them, they’re good with deliverability but in my opinion, Wealthy Affiliate will be your best option. 

YouTube Tools

These tools are to help you with your video marketing if you want to create a YouTube channel. If you like the quality and lighting effect of their YouTube videos, then you want to try out the following tools for your video recording and editing;

  • Sony a6400
  • Sigma 16mm F/1.4
  • Tascam DR10-L
  • Rode VideoMic Pro+
  • Final Cut Pro X
  • Neewer 480 LED Light Kit II
  • DJI Osmo Mobile II

The recommendation is based on their experience with them. 

Stock images

Since images are an essential part of content creation you might want to know a few of the places where to get some yourself. One place they recommended is 123rf but you have to pay for the images. There are several websites that you can have some images for free and one place I normally use is Pixabay. 

Outsourcing Writing

This tool will be of use to you if you’re looking out for writers to help you create more content. Like I touched in the course, they don’t only provide you with the training on how to hire writers but where to get quality writers as well. 

They recommend iWriter but there are several other sites like Upwork or Fiverr to also consider. However, it comes with charges so you have to weigh your purse before opting for this service. 

WordPress Themes

There are millions of WordPress themes outside there but what Jim and Rick recommend is X themes and Divi. Some are paid but you can get free versions to start off with. I personally like Thrive Themes and Generate press. 

WordPress Plugins

These are add ons that you can’t do away with if you want to improve on the deliverability and navigation of your websites. They’ve put together a list of them to help you in your selection. In my experience, it’s very tempting to be trying any plugin you come across as a beginner so it’s important to be guided. 

Email List Provider

These tools are to help you do your email marketing. Email marketing is not dead so signing up with a very good company will help you scale up your income. The truth is that none of the email providers is perfect so you have to settle on one to work with. 

They do well to guide you on the best places to start. That’s, in my opinion, is cool because you at least have a recommendation to start off with. 

Podcasting Setup

Podcasting has been on the rise in this age of internet marketing but it’s not for everyone to do it. If you are interested in that, then these recommended tools will be a great pick for you. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel………experiment on the good tools to use. 

They’ve provided you with a number of them to check out yourself  

The Support

Since Income School Project 24 is mainly about training, the support you get will mostly be about the training resources and your billing issues. However, they have a live community where members who encounter problems in their business can ask for help. 

This is very important in this business……surrounding yourself with like-minded people is the way to succeed. At any point in time, there’s someone online to answer people’s questions. You can find me as well in this community so if you decide to sign up, I’ll be around to help you on your journey. 

Most of the questions are answered by members who have encountered what you’re asking before. Questions which are not addressed comprehensively are handled by Jim and Rick. With this support system, you should be fine. 

A ForeTaste of The Training

You don’t have to jump straight to the training. At least you need to have a feel of how the training is going to be. Check out this training where they talk about how to obtain a full income in this webinar. It gives you a foretaste of the training and the experience these buddies have to help you. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Does Project 24 Deliver Results?

I started my online business long before Jim and Rick brought Project 24 but I can tell you from the little I’ve learnt at their end that it works. You just have to put in the effort and wait for the results. Most of the time people don’t stay on long enough to see their success but if you will, here are the kind of results you shall be having……

Testimony I

Testimony II

Testimony III

I don’t know how different these testimonies will be from you if you decide to give it a try but one thing I’m sure of is that it works for those willing to implement the training. These are real people who started off with no idea of the kind of results awaiting them, yet they gave their all. It’s not easy but it’s worth the results and the only way to find out is to secure your spot on Income School. 

Visit Project 24 Here!

What I Like About Income School’s Project 24

Although my favourite place to have an all-in-one package of training, tools and support for your online business is Wealthy Affiliate, I like Income School’s Project 24 for these reasons;

#1. Training Is SEO Focussed

The proven method to build a long-lasting business on the internet is to equip yourself with the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) skills for Google to love your contents. Internet marketers who have strictly gone by these strategies have always found themselves on the brighter side of Google updates. 

And that is what Project 24 provides you in their training which is the key reason why I follow Jim and Rick to add to my experience. 

#2. Honest and Trustworthy Founders

You’ll realize this right from their videos that they have the intention to help every individual with their experience to also succeed. The charisma in sharing what they know with the public is what I really love about them and most people see that too. They’re honest and straight to the point without hiding anything from you. 

This is evident in the way they share their niche and income statistics with you. Most internet marketers wouldn’t be that plain to you. 

#3. Fresh Video Training 

They keep on adding video training to address questions frequently asked or cover any google update that’s worth noting by members. This is relevant in keeping members up to date and refreshing your SEO arsenals to build a thriving business. 

Google keeps on updating its algorithm so having training like that is necessary for you to compete on the internet.  

The Other Side You Need To Know

While I totally recommend Project 24 to anyone who is considering it to join, there are few things worth noting before jumping on this train. 

>> No Trial Offer

Unlike Wealthy Affiliate which offers you unlimited access to a trial version before you finally decide to go premium if you want, Income School’s Project 24 has no such thing. What it means is that you can’t try Project 24 before you purchase. This In a way cuts down people who are not serious to stay away, attracting only people who desire change. 

However, I think offering a trial version would be better for most people to make an entrenched decision after they have a feel of it. 

>> No Money-back Guarantee

There’s no going back if you decide to purchase Project 24. Usually, digital products on the internet guarantee subscribers a refund if the product doesn’t deliver the kind of results preached about it. There’s no such thing for Project 24 so you have to think it through well before going for it. 

Recently, I purchased a $295 worth of product but upon testing, I realized it can’t serve me the purpose I bought it for. I requested for a refund because they provided a guarantee on their sales page. My case is a bit different because it was a tool while this a training program. 

For a fact, they tried it before but people took an undue advantage. You’ll have someone buying out of curiosity, stays on it for an hour and ask for a refund. How can you use one hour to access over 130 video courses and all other content? 

People also requested a refund, after they’ve gotten all the information from them, not only that some go to the extent of copying their content which is not fair. I’ll side with them on this one because a lot of things go into these training resources. 

However, if due to technical problems you’re doubly charged or you’re charged again after unsubscribing you can ask for a refund. In this case, they’ll refund with no questions when provided the proof. 

How Much Does It Cost?

Project 24 costs $449 for your first year and $199 in subsequent years. This means that when you agree to their terms of purchase, you’re going to be on automatic yearly recurring subscriptions. Nonetheless, you can cancel your subscription anytime you want. 

Setting up a conventional business cost way more than this so, in my opinion, the money is worth the resources you’re going to get. If you break this down, it means that you’re paying approximately $1.23/day for the first year and $0.55 for subsequent years to equip yourself with the know-how to build an online business.  

A quick Google search shows that a cup of coffee cost averagely $3.50 – 4.50 which goes down the drain in a matter of hours, is far more than what Project 24 cost per day. This is a lifetime investment which has the potential to replace your full-time income job so it’s worth the price.

My Personal Conclusion About Project 24

I’ve been in affiliate marketing for over a year now on a part-time basis as a student and I’ve never looked back since I had the right training. Hitherto, I jumped from platform to platform, one shiny object to the other but had no results until I found the right guide to send me on the right path. Project 24 is one of the few training programs you’ll need to make it right if you’re going to give yourself the chance to try something new. 

Does Project 24 work? Of course, YES!

It will take time to see the results and it wouldn’t be a bed of roses but it sure worth the returns if you implement what you’re taught. The training materials, insights and the community are put in place to help you start from the ground up to a point where consistent income is made. 

If the founders, those individuals who shared their testimonies and I are succeeding with our niche sites, so can you. You just have to take the first step in starting. 

check out Project 24 Here!

I’m Inside The Community

Project 24 communityYou’re never alone. You have a community of onlinepreneurs to help you on the journey so you don’t have to feel stuck along the way. The fortunate thing is that I’m also in the community to help you whenever you need any help at no charge. This is not a magic pill promise to change your finances overnight. 

But a great opportunity to shut any opening to scams, shiny objects that drains you of your hard-earned money but delivers no results. You have the chance to write your paycheck and even make money while you sleep which is worth trying. It’s not built on a sudden flight but the result is better than sitting on the fence. 

Point To Decide!

Anyone can pay off their mortgage 10 years early using the Provantage No-Fail Debt Reduction System. I’ve shown you the proof that Project 24 works from the founders to others who have tried it out and it will work for you too. You know that with the 24-month replace your full-time by blogging training, supportive community, there is a 100% certainty to succeed if you implement what you’re taught.

It’s been said that in your moments of decision your destiny is shaped. What will you decide to do right now? The same thing you’ve been doing so you get the same old results or will you decide to change your results for the better by joining the full-time income blogging in the 24-month community? The decision is yours but I hope you make the right choice.

Click on the link below to visit the Income School’s Project 24 for more information. 

check out Project 24 Here!


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