Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam or What? Hard Truth Review!

In my quest to create multiple income streams for the kind of life I desire, I’ve searched and surfed the internet on ways to make money online. Fortunately, there are several ways that one can do that but sometimes these tons of information mislead as scams are flooding the system. So, you also have to be careful.

Interestingly, I happened to crush on one platform which has overwhelmed me of its training and opportunity it offers. I found several reviews of some people scamming everything else and making it sound like that’s the only option one has got to make money online. In my curiosity, I joined to find out for myself. What’s this platform?

It’s Wealthy Affiliate! That’s the platform but does it sound exactly as how people are viewing it? This a question I would answer by the end of this review and I hope you stick around enough to get the answer.

Is it a Scam or legit? What does it stand for? Is it a genuine making money tool that you can rely on? Are there any misconceptions about this affiliate program?

These and many other questions would be answered in a detailed information from the owners behind it to whether its profitable to everyone.

Who Are the Faces Behind this Affiliate Program and its Age?

Something can’t come out of nothing so does this program. It’s founded by two good friends called Kyle and Carson. They are the founders of this online training platform which is helping people to build business and make a consistent income.

Their full names are Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim, two Canadian buddies who started this platform in 2005 when they wanted to be their own Bosses. You will find Kyle mostly working on many of the training courses within the community. He’s the Marketing Chief.

Carson is the behind the scene guy keeping things moving in the background. He plays the role of processing raw business ideas and architecting them into a real business application. He’s the real Design Chief.

These founders together with a team of dedicated skilled personnel run this business but will be unfair to leave out this interesting person called Jay. He’s the Training Chief who provides live training and answers to your online business questions. He’s a real Gee.

Having known the personalities behind this platform, it’s now appropriate for me to delve into what this platform is really about and whether you can make money out of their service.

What is Wealthy Affiliate About?

To dissect this affiliate platform to its tiniest detail, I will explain to you from two different perspectives. Most people tend to blend everything using it as a point to counter other platforms although is the best platform I’ve come across so far but sometimes its uncalled for. I’m going to explain to you what they are about as;

  • Online Business Training Platform
  • Affiliate Marketing Platform

Wealthy Affiliate as Online Business Building Training Platform

In this light, it’s a training platform that provides you with all that you need to create and maintain an online business of your dream on the internet. Since the usage of the internet is on the rise, most business or entrepreneurial minded people are leveraging it to make their product and services available to these billions of customers online.

So how does it help you?

It trains you to model your interest or select your business model being its online store or whatever. Then guide you to build a website that you don’t need to be a computer geek to do that. It also provides you with illustrative examples of how to invite or get people to know about your business and earn money upon any purchase or service you render to your customers. All these for $ 49.00/month as a premium member.

It’s a fair deal to me because the breakdown of all these services will cost even more than that. There are platforms that specialize in one aspect at a price lower or higher than what Wealthy affiliate charges. Just to point out a few.


  • Training for building an online business.
  • Design of website by an expert comes with a fee.
  • Providing hosting for your website also comes with charges which you can get alone somewhere.
  • To get customers visiting your business you’ll need a keyword search engine to come up with keywords that will give you better rankings. This is also offered by some platforms at a charge.

All these are packaged in your membership in the wealthy affiliate program. As an opportunity seeker, It’s a good deal for me and I don’t know about you. Below is an architecture of the training they offer you in building your business online. You’re given all the tools necessary for you to succeed.

Wealthy Affiliate as Affiliate Marketing Platform

In extending its amazing training resources to other multiple stream income searchers, extra income seekers, people who want to work at home or people who want to be their own bosses by building a business online, Wealth Affiliate rewards its members in promoting their services. Therefore, people who don’t have any business idea to build online choose to go down on this lane to market the goodies on this platform.

Members then promote it and earn some credit upon helping someone to see this amazing training platform. So, you can either build your own business which is what the platform is meant for with all the tools that you need or promote the good tidings of this marketing tool.

As I’m sharing with you about it, if you use my link to get on board, I will earn some credit. It’s no joke. It’s real because I’ve met members who are making over 5 digits consistent income in promoting this platform. If it’s lies, I’ll surely dig it out because I’m not there to play around but to build a business. I’ve not earned much in promoting this platform because I’m just about 4 months in it and I started with my own business niche. It’s a tennis website and you can check it here. If you have no business idea now, you can start with them as an affiliate marketer. People are earning money working at home and as a student with this opportunity. The amazing thing is that you can start a free membership with them.

If you’re really seeking for an opportunity to make money online like me even when you’re asleep, I recommend it for you.

Proof of people who have earned……………………………..

The side attraction to promoting it is that you’re being sponsored on a fully paid trip to Las Vegas if you’re able to refer a set target number of customers by end of the year. All these benefits with your intention to build your business online. It’s a good deal!

Their Training & Tools

I can ably testify to their comprehensive, well organized and up to date training that it is one of the amazing things that has happened to me since I signed up. I can’t ask for more than what they’re offering in their training and tools considering the amount I’m paying. As an opportunity seeker, I’m satisfied with it and I will tell you the reasons for saying that. By the end of this review, you’ll not only take my word for it, but you’ll confirm it yourself.

Their training is well thought and planned to provide something for all levels of expertise making it incredible for everyone from any field with the zeal to build a business to start off with and do just fine. So, whether you’re a newbie in the internet marketing world like me when I started or an advanced marketer, you’ve got nothing to worry about but just follow the step by step training and you’ll be fine.

The training is offered in different formats aimed at addressing questions and developing you to be in good command of your business. This is what you get:

  • Beginner Training Course
  • Online Entrepreneur Certification (For your business idea)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training (For promoting Wealthy affiliate if you want to)
  • Live Video Classes
  • Video Walkthroughs
  • Training Classrooms
  • Task-Based Courses

Is it much? It far enough for you to build a successful business and that’s what Wealthy Affiliate is providing its members to build a sustainable business of consistent income. But it doesn’t end there. It comes with the following tools and services to build your business and ensure your growth;

  • WordPress Website Builder
  • Website Security Package
  • State of the Art, Unlimited Cloud Hosting (Premium Members)
  • Website Backup
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Access to over 2,400 website themes
  • Access to over 40,000 feature extensions
  • Website analysis
  • Rapid Writer content creation
  • Affiliate Program

Once you join the platform as a member, you get all these tools and services at your disposal to start your business journey and I must say it’s fair looking at the amount you pay for it.

As if this is not enough, they make you feel as part of a bigger family by adding you to a community where you can reach out to experts, experienced members and newbies in case you need to link up with someone. So, if you decide to build your business with this platform, you’ll never be alone. You have a whole community within your reach to address your questions and frustrations. I will also be there to provide you with all the help you need within my capacity.

You won’t only get access to me for help but through other sources and members because it takes a community to create a success. This is the support you get from the community as a member:

  • Live, 24/7/365 Website Support
  • Private Messaging
  • 1 on 1 Coaching
  • Live Questions and Answer Periods
  • Private Access to Owners
  • Website Feedback Platform
  • Website Comment Platform

With all these, the tools for your success online is assured but will be on you to make it happen. This does not guarantee a quick fix to your financial problems as many “microwave mindset” people think because it takes a while to build a business.

What Are the Pricing Plans for Wealthy Affiliate?

It has two membership price plans which are;

Starter Membership (Try-before-accept opportunity seekers like me. Click here): $ 0.00

Premium Membership (If you’re convinced enough. Find it here): $ 49 per month/$359 per year

Do you doubt the free starter package? Don’t be surprised, it’s true. I like free things as a multiple stream income seeker – that’s how I’m able to explore and find the best to help you with. You have nothing to lose because it doesn’t require your credit card or any financial information. Give it a try if you want to build this business of yours. If you fail to act, your fear keeps you in the shelf and you never find your success path. So, act by clicking here.

Do you have the same benefit as a premium member? Of course, not. The difference is shown in the following chart.

In any case, you still have access to a good number of tools for you to really get to know what the platform stands for and what it provides. Honestly speaking, I haven’t come across any platform yet which does that for that number of tools for 7 days.

Do I Like Everything About Wealthy Affiliate?

Of course not! Everything under this planet earth can’t be absolutely perfect and wealthy affiliate is no exception. Once it’s a human institution, there might be one or two hitches that may not go down well with everyone. We all have different perspectives even when we are under the same roof.

As wealthy affiliate has proved beyond all reasonable doubt as a good platform for creating an online business that I’ve ever come across, I find these disturbing sometimes;

The tons of training materials not only provide a strong information backbone for building your business but sometimes it becomes a distraction to your focus. As anxious as you might be as a newbie in the community, you might think every information is really necessary for you to build up faster or even catch up quickly with the old members so you end up sometimes following every side training that comes your way.

I’m not saying those side pieces of training are not helpful but sometimes it becomes a distraction to your actual task. So, it relies on you the individual to subject your curiosity at times and focus on the actual training. Trying to get all the tips by one shot will be a problem to your development in the community. Sometimes, very confusing.

The other thing I’m not happy with WA is the denial of free starter membership to some countries. So far there are hundreds of thousand members from 195 countries and those excluded countries that I know of are:

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Egypt
  3. Ghana
  4. India
  5. Kenya
  6. Morocco
  7. Nigeria
  8. Pakistan
  9. Philippines
  10. Vietnam

According to Kyle, there is a lot of fraud and spam from these countries. To protect the community in Wealthy Affiliate, the above countries are excluded currently.

However, interested people from these countries are given the chance to start with premium package except for Nigeria which I think is not fair. If it’s security measures, why don’t you deny access completely but give them access provided they start with premium? The owners might have their reasons but I can’t seem to agree with them.

If you find yourself in these countries and still want to give it a shot, do contact me through my email to see how best I can help you.

Besides these two, I don’t have any tangible complaint or unsatisfactory delivery of their service. It the best I’ve ever come across so far.

Try the free starter membership while you can. Start now!

What If I’m Not Able To Pay My Bill For a Month?

Yh, it’s understandable. The world is full of uncertainties and you might not know what awaits you.

First, you need to know that this is a business and it thrives on trust. The moment you realize you can’t pay your bill for the next month, just send Kyle or Carson a private message and you’ll be sorted out. You don’t have to be shy to tell them your situation although it wouldn’t be an excuse for a free access in that month.

I experienced that myself in the second month after going premium. What happened? They gave me about 10 days grace period to pay, after which I was disconnected from the community. I received an email afterwards on how to resubscribe within 30 days, else my site will be deleted.

I resubscribed within the given period and I was grateful to find my site still in shape as when as I was disconnected. Unaltered! This convinced me that I’ve made a good decision in joining their platform.

What If I Return After Abandoning My Subscription?

Well, I didn’t leave for that long so I would give the response from the inside. Kyle responded to this question.

Did you see the reply? Where else could you possibly get this treatment? I’m yet to find one if any, other than that wealthy affiliate rocks. This is why I’m sticking with them to build my other sources of income online and I’m sure it’s the right choice I’ve made. Make the right choice here.

Can I Cancel My Account?

Why not? Everything is within your power to do that. No one forces you to stay if you think it’s not for you. Just a click and you’ll be taken out of the system. But I will be sticking with them to build my business because I have a lot of things to be thankful for with their services.

You might ask whether people have left before? Yes, but it’s very rare. People who have roamed from different platforms before landing on Wealthy Affiliate sometimes wonder why people would leave this great platform. All fingers are not the same but I doubt any of them will be because of their training.

Is Wealthy Affiliate For Everyone?

Wealthy affiliate is not for you if you don’t want to make money while you sleep by building a business online. If you don’t want to build your business site and write content for your customers to visit, then you might want to look elsewhere.

Some may say it’s not for you if you can’t write a content yourself like I’ve done to help you make a decision. Well, I have a different opinion because if you really want to make money online, that’s your task or you can pay a freelancer to write contents for you. That will cost you some cash but a business person knows what he wants.

All that you need is a desire to build a business by working it through writing content. That’s all that it takes. I wouldn’t say I’m a professional writer but I’ve got to learn. Success doesn’t come easily. If you’re a good writer, it’s a plus for you but that doesn’t guarantee success unless you work the system.

Does Wealthy Affiliate Make Other Genuine Platforms a Scam?

It’s common to come by some wealthy affiliate members who promote wealthy affiliate by being so hard on some multiple income generation platforms as scams because he or she is overwhelmed by what WA offers. Some debunk others because they didn’t succeed there or had a bitter experience with one. But genuinely, some are scams and you need to avoid that too.

Some totally go by MLM or network marketing is a scam. In my point of view, I disagree. There are scams alright but some too are genuine. The fact that you couldn’t survive by recruiting more people doesn’t make it a scam.

The point I want to make clear is that every business model requires certain skills to succeed or maximise your income. Those that equip themselves with the skills excel and have breakthroughs. Yes! Wealthy affiliate is awesome and I’m all for it but it doesn’t make some genuine MLM be a scam.

My Final Stand

As I promised from the beginning of this review, you’ve got all the details you need. Your multi-stream income searcher and helper, I’m convinced of the legibility of WA and recommend it to you.

Want to work at home? It’s yours! Want a side income or are you disabled physically? Wealthy Affiliate is a better way for you. Start here.

You have nothing to lose. Take your free starter membership offer and see for yourself. Come back and debunk what I’ve informed you if it’s a lie. Hope to contact you upon joining.

Special Bonus To Claim

If you upgrade to premium within the first 7 days after creating your free starter account, a 59 % discount will be yours. In addition, I will personally be contacting you to share with you my experience for a successful business building.

I call this offer grab-it-while-it’s hot. Start here.

Wealthy affiliate is a total legit! Your comments and questions are welcome. Do share your experience too in the comment box if you’ve come across WA and I will be more than happy to link up.


MultiStreamIncomeOnline Searcher.

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