How To Create A Website Online For Free [In 30 Seconds!]

How to create a website online for freeIt has never been easier than today to create your very own website with no prior knowledge in computer programming let alone having it for free. Hitherto, you would have to be like the guy who can understand and communicate in computer languages before you could set one up.

I mean you would have to be a computer geek before you can create a website but in this information age, you just have to click a few buttons here and there. And voila! it’s ready to hit the road……..just in 30 seconds.

In this guide, I will not only be showing you how to create a website online for free but will provide you with free hosting and other free tools. You don’t have to be experienced in computer languages or whatsoever and you’ll do that in just 30 seconds.

But before that, there are some things to consider before creating a website.

CheckList To Create Your Free Website

This is just to give you a fair idea of what goes into creating a website and making it ready for whatever purpose you have in mind.

#1. What Purpose Would the Website Serve?

Every website is optimized to give the best performance depending on what you intend to achieve with it. Knowing the purpose of the website you’re creating not only give you a clear path in the design and outlook of it but helps to serve your visitors well.

The purpose affects all other things on your website. You should know if you’re going to use the website for an online store, a blog, local business, affiliate marketing or whatever. I hope you know the purpose or vision for the free website you’re about to create?

#2. Domain and Title Name

Just as everyone is identified by name so should you give an identity to your website. This is what makes it stand out among the crowd. You need something simple and elegant to convey the purpose of your website. You’ll need it here to create your website so you’ve got to get one.

For example, the domain name of my website is The title is much like the domain name except that you don’t have the .com although some do include and you don’t have put the words together.

#3. Hosting

Before your website hit the road, you have to get a hosting provider so that you set it online. There are several paid hosting providers out there but that’s not the focus for this article.

You’ll have a free hosting service for the website you’re going to create so be rest assured.

#4. Website Theme Template

There are thousands of themes available which might be confusing to choose from especially when you’re a newbie. People spend way too much time figuring out what to choose and I’m no exception. I changed my theme several times when I was a beginner because it pleases the eye to see your website in different outlooks to the extent that it becomes addictive.

Themes control the appearance of your website and the choice you make should help you serve the purpose. A simple website theme template helps you to focus on the quality of work to your visitors rather artwork to please yourself.

#5. Website Builders

These are tools that help you to put your website in good shape without writing any lines of yourself. I use WordPress, a content management system which is the most flexible and provides several advantages.

And in this guide that’s what you’re going to use to create your very own website online so let delve straight into it.

How To Create A Free Website Online

Here we go. With those elements in mind, you now have at least a fair idea in what goes in to create your website and set it up. Fortunately, you wouldn’t be doing all those things. You just have to click and it’s as easy as pie.

The guide I’ll be providing you consist of 4 main steps which are no brainer to follow if you understand what you’ve read to this far……

Affiliate marketing - website build

As you can see from the above, what is required of you is to get a domain and a title name for your website. Both could be that same thing but how you write them will be different.

Just to throw more light on the difference………domain name is what you will see in your URL like multistreamincomeonline and title name is what normally seen on your homepage and using mine for example Multi-Stream Income Online. Do you see the difference?

You can have spaces in the title name but not in your domain name. Now that the air has been cleared, with your domain name create your free website below.

From there, you select any theme of your choice from the over 1000’s of themes available and you’re good to go.

create free website theme

I’ve attached a video walkthrough to literally take your hand and get it done. This is more helpful for visual learners like me. Check it below…….

affiliate marketing - create your website

What Do You Get In Addition To Your Free Website?

Up to this point you should have your free website created and well set up to hit the road but before that, you need to sign up on the platform (Wealthy Affiliate) providing that service. It’s free to create your account and no need for your credit card.

In addition to the free website you’ve created here is some additional benefit you’ll enjoy……

#1. Live Help

It can be frustrating at times when you’re new to creating your own website. For that reason, there’s a 24/7 live help to assist you in case of any difficulty or when you’re stuck with anything.

The platform has a hugely supportive community of like-minded people to always help those struggling so you can take advantage of that. However, you can always reach me to assist whenever necessary.

#2. Two Free Websites

You don’t only get to create a website but two of them for free with the hosting and website builders included at $0 cost.

It comes with site security and WordPress Management system to build and set up your website to a professional one.

#3. Beginner Training courses

Whatever the purpose of creating your own website, you’re surely going to tell Google about it which is normally termed as Google indexing. People have to find your website and the contents you’ll be writing in the search engines. Do you know how it works?

You don’t have to worry if you’re a newbie. The platform provides you with free training in writing content for your website, generating business ideas and the needed tools to manage your website.

These are step-by-step video walkthroughs to literally take your hand and guide you to do it.

You Have Your Free Website, What’s Next?

You’re definitely not creating your own website online for just creating sake. Whatever the reason is, you need to put contents on your website, get it ranked in Google, drive visitors and make money if you intend to use it for business.

There’s more to creating a website and using it for online business which I think you may want a training program to help you with how to monetize your website.

As you’ve created your free website through Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll get all the training you will need to make money online as I do with this website. You’ve created your website for free but is the platform entirely free? Yes and No!

Yes, when you’re a free starter member on the platform. This gives you the basic tools to create and manage your websites (2 free Websites and a comprehensive short course) for life.

No, because the platform needs to sustain itself so it has a premium membership which cost $49/month. This gives you access to all the state of the art tools to scale up your website to an authoritative domain name.


Creating a website has become an easy thing which you don’t need a college degree to do. You’ve seen for yourself, just in 30 seconds and there are several opportunities online to consider if you have a website. My website seeks to help people avoid scams and find genuine ways to create multiple income streams.

Let me know what you’re using your website for and what value you intend to give to people. You can leave it in the comment box below and I’ll be glad to link up with you.

Do have some questions to ask? Feel free to drop it below and I’ll make it up to you as soon as possible.


4 thoughts on “How To Create A Website Online For Free [In 30 Seconds!]”

  1. That’s an awesome post. Your have described very precisely that how easy it is too create a website now! Some time ago it seems to be a daunting task. 

    I have been researching about this platform, regarding free member benefits and you have covered all points very well. My only question is, do the free members get access to their free website forever? Or they need to get into premium after some time? 

    Thanks a lot for sharing this useful article. Website building is very well simplified now. 

    • Hello Akshay,

      I’m glad to have you’re here. To your question, Yes you get access to your free website as long as you stay with the platform. Upgrading to premium is not compulsory but you can upgrade if you see the need to. 

      I hope your questions are answered.

  2. How amazing — a free website in 30 seconds. I would really like to learn how that is done. I’ve been looking into various online opportunities, and I must say, I do like the price!

    I like the way you have outlined the steps one needs to take to get a website started. I’m excited to think I can own my own piece of the world wide web when I get my domain name.

    Yes, I’m interested in building a free website. Your company, Wealthy Affiliate, sounds like a good one. However, I do have one question: If I join and decide not to go to the Premium level for $49 a month, is it really true that I can stay on the free platform forever?

    Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.

    • Hi Fran, 

      I’m happy to hear about the value you find in this guide. Yes, you can decide to remain a free starter member as long as you want (forever). 

      Since you have nothing to lose, you can verify it yourself by creating your account. You can come back and yell at me right here if it’s not true. 

      I hope that answers your question. 


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