What Is UserFeel About? A Scam OR $10 Per Test For Your Wallet?

Have you ever considered being paid for your opinions or suggestions you give freely for someone? UserFeel says you need to be rewarded for these views you easily and freely share with friends and other people. Not only that but can put some extra money in your wallet anytime you do share your opinion. Is that really true?

If you’re here chances are that you want to make extra money online and want to verify what UserFeel is about. That’s whether it’s one of the scams to waste your precious time or it can really fill your wallet? I uderstand your skeptism and it’s good to be diligent so in this review, I will not only provide you with information on all there is about UserFeel but help you to know if it’s a scam, a waste of time or a real opportunity to make a side income. 

So let get to the bottom of it!

What Is UserFeel About?

Product: UserFeel Ltd

Founder:  Yannis Karampelas

Website: userfeel.com

Platform Type: Get Paid To Test

Cost: Your time ($0.00)

Best For: People interested in exchanging their free time for money or work at home Mom or Dad

Overall Rating: 8 out of 10

UserFeel Review

UserFeel limited is UK and Greek-based company which existed since 2005 as specialists in the area of Analytics, Website Optimization, Web Design and Development. In 2010, the CEO of the company decided to take their business to the next level and there UserFeel remote usability testing was born to offer optimization for clients. 

UserFeel remote usability testing claims to serve hundreds of clients to optimize their products due to a multilingual feature created for a wide range of testers. They help optimize client’s products by providing a platform where testers would interact with websites and apps offering their thoughts and experience for the client to have a better understanding of how their product works. 

In brief, UserFeel is paid by clients to find people like you and me to share their opinion on their website or app developed. Then you and me get paid by UserFeel after our views shared through audio and video recordings are approved. Yes, it’s as simple as that.

UserFeel Team
Meet the Work Force of UserFeel

How Does Userlytics Really Work?

UserFeel acting as bridge platform between customers and testers ensures that clients get what they need and testers get paid if all conditions are met. 

To earn money as a Usability tester, you sign up and get certified by taking a qualification test to show that you have all the required tools to do the testing as well as providing your thoughts clear loud. You’re then rated based on your performance with certain indexes checked and that’s set you on the path of getting an invitation or not.

Per every invitation received, you will take a screener test which is intended to provide customers with the right testers to their demands. Here, your profile becomes relevant to the number of tests you do. So, for every usability testing conducted you’re expected to follow a scenario and carry out certain tasks. This is intended to help clients identify any problem they might have not seen. 

As a Usability tester, you’ll be doing great harm to your rating if you do the following;

  • Just reading what the site says rather than offering your thoughts
  • Telling them that there is nothing wrong.
  • Trying to show how damn good you are and how easy and fast you can do it.
  • Website flattering. But if you’re really impressed with something, you can say that.
  • Going out of the scenario, or not performing the required tasks.
  • Carrying out the test like an expert.

If you don’t want to find yourself doing any of the above mentioned, check out the video below for some insights. 

What I Need To Get Started?

Typical to most usability testing platform like UserTesting, Userlytics, you can’t do away with the following list to be successful here. They’re relevant to the work you’ll be doing so you must have them. 

  • A Personal Computer (Mac with OSX 10.11 or higher OR Windows 7 or higher)
  • A high-speed internet access
  • A standard internet browser program (Internet explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
  • A Working built in microphone
  • Webcam
  • Smartphone or Tablet

How Much Can You Earn?

First of all, let me state that you can’t be rich with this platform but you can make a good extra income when you get an invitation often. When you become a tester UserFeel claims that you make $10 for every usability testing conducted which takes 10-20 minutes. This could have been a get-rich-quick opportunity if the tests were enormous and flow in every time. 

If you’re thrilled by this then you might as well try out UserTesting and Userlytics. They also offer similar projects to earn extra income.

However, there might be instances that the money may be low or high depending on the project and the amount of time taken to complete the task. With that said, the exact amount you can earn is not certain – it depends on how often you conduct a usability test. 

So, you can make some good extra income a day or nothing but if you want a continuous source of earning platform then Clixsense and PointsPrizes will be your go-to place.

What I Like About UserFeel?

This usability testing is better than most paid to click sites and me for one like it because of the following although it can’t make you a passive income.

#1 Join for FREE and put your credit card away

All that you need is your email to get started if you have the time to offer. This does not require any membership upgrade to increase your earning. That’s what I dislike about most PTC sites like CoinBulb, Ojooo WAD, Neobux and BTC clicks even if they’re legit. You can earn as much as you want provided your rating is good and invitations come regularly. 

#2 The love of many internet folks

Their long existence on the internet hasn’t just been a number but delivering according to what they claim. For this cause many folks who seek extra income online testify of their good services although it can’t make you rich. But it’s better than other platforms. They have quite a good reputation. 

#3 No experience is needed

You don’t have to go for a course in order to leverage this to make side income online. You just need some few practices and sample videos are available to optimise your delivery.

#4 It’s a  multilingual platform

UserFeel is not only available worldwide but I like it for the fact that you can set your native language and others that you’re fluent in. This gives the upper hand to people who are fluent in a number of languages. Also, you can offer your thoughts in your native language provided a project of that sort is available. 

#5 You get paid through PayPal or Amazon Gift Cards

This means wherever you’re in the world, your payment will definitely get to you. Not only that, these are companies that have gained trust in the internet world and it tells you the level of acceptance of  UserFeel. 

This makes it easier for work at home Moms and Dads to shop at Amazon with their money. That’s super cool! isn’t it?

You May Not Like This! UserFeel Cons

Making $10 for every 10 – 20 minutes sounds great. However, things may not go in the way you’ll expect not because UserFeel doesn’t work but the following reasons:

>> Your extra income is tied to your rating

As a check on Usability testers to deliver quality feedback to UserFeel clients, you’re rated first on your qualification test and subsequently by the clients based on your performance. This has been the bane of many testers as sometimes you’re rated for undisclosed reasons which affect your invitation and thus amount of money you make. 

However, if you don’t want to be bothered by rating, then check out Clixsense and PointsPrizes. You earn as you want. 

>> Money may not drip into your wallet

Note that the amount you can make is tied to the number of invitations that you get. The tests are limited because the clients aren’t always doing projects and that will affect invitations given out by UserFeel. Meaning no client projects, no invitation from UserFeel and no money to you. 

Even if there are projects, the invitations sent out works on the principle of first-to-click, first-get the offer. So you must be on the alert always if you want to make money every day with the platform. If you can’t do that then you might want to try my #1 platform of making a passive income online at $0 cost.

>> Are you shy of the camera? Don’t go there!

The usability testing you conduct requires that you capture your screen and most times yourself. So if you’re webcam phobia, then you might want to try something else like Ojooo WAD, Clixsense and PointsPrizes.

Nevertheless, if you’ve got all that covered and ready to go with that, then you might want to check out UseTesting and Userlytics as well. 

>> You may be rejected several times

Since you’re required to take screener questions on every invitation, providing inaccurate answers will disqualify you on several counts. Some have experienced this which is sometimes frustrating. 

Is UserFeel a Scam or Legit?

UserFeel is paying and has gained a good reputation on the internet so it will be biased on my side to conclude that it’s a scam. It’s not! Also, they’ve been more than a year in the online world which makes it a legit platform. However, you can’t expect to make a reliable income from this platform. To keep this side income active then you might want to increase your options if you have the time to burn.

You can add similar platforms like UserTesting and Userlytics as well as others that you can earn continuously provided you have the patience – Clixsense, PointsPrizes, CoinBulb and Ojooo WAD.

Final Thoughts - Is UserFeel Worth Your Time?

UserFeel has proven beyond all doubts to help you make extra income online but it’s a question of how long you can actively engage yourself and how much worth your time and strategies you put in place to earn that money. Although I use this sometimes to make some extra money for other things. But as a multiple income stream enthusiast, building a passive income channel is my focus. Is that your desire too?

Then you might want to try out the training which is helping me create passive income part-time working from home. It’s helping me build an online business and it was a wise decision that I made for financial freedom. You can start yours for FREE and put your credit card away. 

Over To You

If you have any thoughts or questions about anything in this post, please do well to drop it in the comment and I will be glad to respond. 

I hope you’ve gathered some insights here and until then, do make a good decision.

                                   Share it, if you like it! 🙂

Your friend, 


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