Is Panel Champ A Scam Or More Money For Your Pocket?

Do you have some extra time on your hands and wondering whether Panel Champ will be a good place to exchange it for money or it’s a scam to stay away from in the first place?

First of all, congratulations on doing your background check because that’s how to avoid get-rich-quick scams and discover what really makes money online. 

Panel Champ says get paid with your opinions, no gimmicks, no-nonsense and you can put more money in your pocket just doing simple tasks. Well, this sounds very enticing which makes me ask, “Is there anything unique about them?”

That made me take a closer look so in this Panel Champ review, I’ll be sharing with you from the view of someone looking for ways to have multiple income streams to see if it’s worth the time should it be a legit website. 

Let’s cut to the chase then and see what lies inside.  

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Panel Champ Review 

Panel Champ scam reviewName: Panel Champ


Platform: Paid Surveys

Founder: Not Disclosed

Registered Date: March 2018 

Price: FREE 

Summary: Panel Champ is a survey panel that allows users who have time to spare to participate in surveys and in return get paid for their opinions. Currently, it’s available to over 15 countries and rewards earned on the platform are redeemed mainly by PayPal. It’s certainly not a place where you can quit your job over to make your daily bread but you can make some extra bucks.  

My Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 10

Remarks: Good for those who just want a way to exchange their spare time for some extra cash

number one recommendation

What is Panel Champ About?

Panel Champ is a paid survey site which was registered in March 2018 according to It formerly operated by the name Quint Mindshare. 

It was rebranded to Panel Champ when the supposed owner sold it to Cint, a platform that collects insights to build better products and services. 

Cint is a legitimate company which has been around since 1998 so you can be sure that Panel Champ has a good image but doesn’t translate into what you tend to get with your time. 

Panel Champ provides different types of surveys with a varying length that has the potential to earn you as high as $50 or more for a survey. However, those surveys take no less than an hour. 

The platform pays you in cash or gift cards depending on your country but before you join you need to make sure it’s available in your country. Currently, it’s available to about 17 countries. 

How Do You Join Panel Champ?

You visit and choose your country of origin which will then take you to sign up page. After providing your personal information, a dashboard will show up which looks like the below. 

Panel Champ sign up profile

While Panel Champ is a simple website with easy navigation, completing our profile is a bit tedious. It has over 100 questions to fill as you can see which will take you about 30 minutes to complete. 

All the time in completing your profile doesn’t make you any money. However, it increases your chances of receiving frequent invitations for surveys. If completing this profile sounds demanding, then Respondent, GetPaidTo, Rewards1, PrizeRebel and Surveytime should be your go-to. 

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How Do You Make Money With Panel Champ?

The way you earn on Panel Champ is by sharing your opinion on product and service studies which can be categorized into online polls, online surveys, music and video feedback. 

Among these, the music feedback is the highest paying task you will find which can take as long as 3 hours but can earn you around $50 or more. Comparing this with a different platform it might not be worth the time. 

Respondent can earn you triple that amount for the same amount of time you spend. Panel Champ sends you invitations whenever there are studies so you don’t have to always log in to the platform to check. 

However, since you’re not the only person served on the platform you would want to be the first to accept the invitation. Otherwise, someone will get it before you.

How Much Money Can You Make With Panel Champ?

It’s difficult to estimate exactly how much you’re likely to make with Panel Champ. Your earnings are influenced by a number of factors such as demographics, availability of surveys and number of invitations you get. 

Typical online polls and surveys earn you cents which you’re likely to use months before you reach the minimum threshold. Panel champ has an option where you can select the number of invitations you want to receive in a month. 

With the numbers provided in the options, it’s obvious that there are not so many surveys on the platform because it’s a bit weird to be asked that. Everyone wants more surveys to earn more so I don’t see its essence. 

So you can make only as much as the invitations you get. 

How Do You Get Paid On Panel Champ?

The main means of withdrawing your money is through Paypal. Before you can withdraw your earnings, you should have reached the minimum amount of $12.50. 

This is relatively higher compared to GetPaidTo, Surveytime, Paidviewpoint and Rewards1. Users from the UK and US have an additional payment option which is Amazon gift card. 

While this minimum threshold will take most people no less than a month of active participation, I think renting your idle computer will be better off. 

Pros Vs Cons of Panel Champ


  1. It’s free to join
  2. Easy way to exchange your spare time for money
  3. Pays with PayPal


  1. Very low earning potential (Check out this program for full-time income opportunity)
  2. Not available to everyone (covers 17 countries)
  3. The profile takes longer time to complete (GetPaidTo and Respondent are very short)
  4. Poor support report: A number of users have expressed disappointment from their support team. It appears they don’t even exist from what some are even saying. Below are some snapshots;

Panel Champ support issue from reddit

Panel Champ spport issue


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Is Panel Champ A Scam? 

Well, considering the good standing of the Cint and years of operation, I will say Panel Champ is not a scam. However, there is a high percentage of displeased users according to SurveyPolice which should be a caution if you’re going to sign up. 

About 45% of users (highest of all the ratings) gave it 1 star which was mostly about support issues, extended payment period and account closure without reasons which you can see below. 

Panel Champ issuesPanel Champ issuePanel Champ user complaint

It doesn’t mean everyone has the same experience. If you don’t want to experience any of such then I’ll recommend Respondent, GetPaidTo and Rewards1 if you’re interested in surveys

My Humble Advice

If you’re someone who is passionate about taking surveys, then you would want to try out other legitimate platforms with more earning options and most importantly high payment rates. 

Personally, I recommend Respondent because you can earn hundreds of dollars in a relatively shorter time compared to Panel Champ. 

GetPaidTo is another platform you would want to consider because not only can you earn by actively participating in surveys, but you can make money while your computer is idle. 

There are other options too which require only your computer to be on which are nice ways to make extra income without you actively participating in any surveys. 

What if at this point you’ve realized that having a passive income without you actively participating in surveys is the sure way to make a full-time income? Read on……

Panel Champ Best Business Alternative

If you’re really determined to make money online even in the comfort of your home to support yourself and your family, then I can guide you through an online program to write your own success. 

I found this program when I was struggling to support myself financially and it’s helping me make passive income working part-time while I do my graduate studies. 

Several people are making a full-time income doing what they’re passionate about with the program and I believe they’re not better than you. The best part is, you can give it a try without committing any financial information of yours. 

Final Words – Over To You!

Thank you for following through the review to this point and I hope that whatever confusion or answer you were looking for has been addressed. 

If you find this review helpful then you can share it with anyone who is caught between two minds on whether Panel Champ is a scam or a legitimate platform and I’ll appreciate it so much. 

Furthermore, should you consider creating an online business out of your passion, there’s a FREE ultimate guide below that you can sign-up for to help you get started. 

Until then, feel free to share your experience on Panel Champ or ask any questions you have and I’ll be more than glad to reply. 

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