Viral Market Review: You Must Know This Truth! [Scam Alert]


Are you doubtful about the promises Viral Market is making you and wondering whether it’s a scam or legitimate platform to make you over $2,000 per month? You’ve found yourself at the right place to get this question answered.

First of all, let me congratulate you on doing your personal research. $2,000 per month just by inviting friends is heck a lot of money to fall for only for you to realize it’s a dead end. I was startled myself to see that on the site so I decided to do my digging to bring out what behind the curtains.

So sit tight as I reveal to you the things I’ve discovered through this Viral Market review. To be honest with you upfront, it’s not a trustworthy platform to burn your time on as it’s no different from similar scam sites I’ve reviewed:,,, and the likes.

Anyway, let’s dig in and see what’s there!

What Is Viral Market About?

Product: Viral Market

Viral Market scam logoFounder: NOT disclosed


Platform Type: Get Paid To Invite

Cost: $0.00 (You’re at risk in the end)

Best For: No One!

My Overall Rating: 0 out of 10


Wealthy Affiliate review campaign

Viral Market is a get paid to invite platform which claims to be the #1 influencer network which promises to fatten your wallet just by inviting friends and spamming social media networks with referral links.

They promise you an average of $2,000 per month only by inviting friends even as a new user without paying a dime. According to them, they’ve paid over $68 million to their users and payment are received through PayPal, Cash App, Bitcoin, Western Union and mailed checks.

Viral Market claims

I wish I could say these claims are true but I’m afraid they’re over-exaggeration and nowhere close to the truth. Of course, they will try to convince you to buy into their delusion so they claim to be part of a bigger family named Zindex.

They claim to be good at what they do because Viral Market has been online since 2015 while their parent company was borne out in 2005. You will easily be sold by these claims if you’re oblivion to how things work online. Alright, let’s get deeper into it.

Inside Viral Market

On your dashboard, Viral Market outlines the amount you earn per the task you complete. These earning rates are so high to lure you into buying into their craps because no genuine system will pay you such an amount. Of course, there are platforms that can pay you in downloading apps but not until you’ve done additional things.

Even those platforms wouldn’t pay you $10 let alone one which is just starting off. The surveys provided will just keep you busy only for the owners to make a profit out of your sweat. Trust you me, no legit survey platform pays you $25 for completing a study. I’m sorry but that’s the reality so you’ve got to wake up from this dream

Viral Market earning rates per task

What pisses me off is the YouTube video that you’re encouraged to make. According to them, you’re to create a video and upload it to YouTube testifying to the legitimacy of Viral Market. From what they suggest, you’re going to tell lies and in the end, will be an insult to your personality.

Viral Market fake youtube subscription

Apparently, Viral Market existed as Viral Dollars which operated with this same strategy. If they’re really in to fatten your purse, this deceit should be far from them.

Red Flags Of Viral Market Revealed

#1. No Information On Founder(s)

A real and legitimate online platform like FluidStack and several others that you can find on best websites that pays you for usability testing will mostly provide you information on the owners of the business. You don’t find it here which makes it hard for me to shake it off that Viral market is as deceptive as Kids Earn Cash, CloutBucks, and Workmines. Just to name a few.

Why would someone who is helping hundreds of thousands of social media users to hit their financial freedom dream hide his identity? The answer is so obvious – they’re as fake as the earning rates they’re promising you so they can’t have their face shown.

I will not fall for this type of hypes with no one to hold responsible when things go sideways. That’s typical of most scam sites who promise gold but deliver dust.

#2. Unrealistic Earning Claims

If you’ve not thought through on your first time of reading about Viral Market then let me do the honours. Viral Market claims to pay you $10 for every person that registers through your referral link, $2 for every click on your referral link, $10  for downloading apps, $25 for surveys and $50 for creating a YouTube video full of lies.

When I read this I asked myself whether the owners are that generous to dash people so much money by doing menial tasks. The truth is that they’re that wicked to leverage your time to their success or whatever plans behind the website.

There’s nothing like free lunch. With my experience online, I haven’t come across any platform that pays you $2 for someone whoever clicks on your referral link. Like this would be the end to global poverty because not even giant online stores like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, AliExpress can afford to make that deal with their Affiliate.

They have been in the online business for ages – Viral Market is just a baby site barely 4 months online and they’re making such claims. It even gets worse, $10 for referrals who register and downloading apps is heck a big NO. Please, those will happen in a virtual world, not the one we live in. They’re just to tickle you to believe in their delusion especially if you’re desperate.

I can go on and on citing legit sites like PointsPrizes, Rewards1, Clixsense, Surveytime, TimeBucks, FeaturePoints who wouldn’t pay $25 for a survey you complete. And Viral Market is not bigger or older in the system than any of them so you should be finding a better option like Respondent or my #1 recommendation for beginners.

#3. Falsified Site Information

What would someone who lies to your face not do to lure you into deceit? That’s exactly what Viral Market is doing and no wonder they’re no different from dinero facil, kids get money and the likes.

Viral Market lies about years in business

According to them, they’ve been around since 2015 and are part of a bigger family, Zindex supposedly founded in 2005. Upon my background check, Viral Market was registered on May 1, 2019 (, so where have they existed from 2015. Also, the parent company which they claim to be associated with is a ghost as the owners behind Viral Market. There’s no information to bet your trust on.

Viral Market founded day by whois

So why would you be following claims of a site full of dishonesty about their time of existence in the first place? Do you think they’ll pay you what you earn if they’re able to convince you with false information?

#4. No Better Business Bureau(BBB) Accreditation

This is where you’ll be checking out on most websites that promise financial freedom if you want to trust any company. The work of BBB is to provide consumers with verified claims of businesses and rate them based on their standards.

Shockingly, Viral Market is not on the radar of BBB and so have no accreditation of them. A legit business who want to grow its reach would surely hint them about their existence to earn people’s trust. Most scam sites who preys on people’s ignorance usually hovers in the dark and Viral Market is no exception.

Viral Market has no accreditation of BBB so you might want to give it a second thought if you want to join.

#5. Fake Statistics and Testimonials

They claim to have paid over $60 million and currently (time of writing this review) has 225,000 members who are bringing traffic to the site. These are very deceptive figures considering the fact that they’re not even a quarter year old online.

Viral Market fake site statistics

Assuming these statistics are true as they’ve stated, what do you think will be happening on google search. There will be a lot of people searching about them on Google to also get their cut of the $60 million, right? In this case, the traffic analysis tools shouldn’t lie about it.

Viral Market semrush traffic analysis

As you can see from above, SemRUSH can’t find anything about Viral Market to confirm their data. So who is telling the lie here – SemRUSH or Viral Market? It sure can’t be SemRUSH because they have a reputation built on this kind of service.

Then how did they get 225,000 members logging into their website without Google capturing any as organic traffic or backlink from some other site? The truth is that the statistics provided are fake.

If the statistics are lies then the testimonials provided there are also fake as FAKE. Just look at one here – Bryan S. who claims to have earned over $172,000 can’t be verified. He says, he’s been with Viral Market a little over a year now but they’re barely 4 months in the system.

Viral Market fake payment proofs

That’s a total lie! I will advise you not to waste your precious time and find what really works – this recommendation.

#6. Social Icons Not Serving Their Right Purpose

A site claiming to have social shares of 500 million should have their social icons on the website active, right? Guess what…any of the social icons you click on the website redirects you to their homepage. How then do they get their social shares accounted for?

Viral Market fake social icons

Hmm, that’s interesting and also SemRUSH has already disproved their supposedly 225,000 members. Even if we assume the number of members is correct what it implies is that each member must have shared about 2,222 on their social media account. C’mon! Is this real?

Conclusion: Is Viral Market Scam Or Legit?

The answer is obvious if you’ve followed closely the red flags and the facts I’ve provided to this far. Viral Market is definitely not a legit platform to rely on for money unless you want to work for the owners.

The owners behind this website are dishonest in my opinion and have no good intentions about you. So my candid advice to you is to stay away from them if you want to be safe from spams and try legit platforms like Respondent, FluidStack, Rewards1, Surveytime, PointsPrizes, FeaturePoints and PaidViewpoint.

However, the few mentioned above are just side gigs that can bring in a few bucks except Respondent and FluidStack. There are better ways to make passive income from a one-time effort you invest in a system. That’s what I’ve been doing part-time with this website as a graduate researcher.

The Recommended Method That Is Working For Me

What I’ve discovered during my search to make money online is Affiliate marketing. Several individuals who had no experience are now making a full-time income doing that. You don’t need any experience to get started and I can help you out.

If you’re new to it, check out the complete guide that I wrote. It’s beginner-friendly and cost you little to nothing to get started.

Over To You!

Do you have any experience with Viral Market? Feel free to share them in the comment box below and I will appreciate it so much. I’m always ready to connect with you if you have any questions.

I hope you’ve gathered some insights here and until then, do make a good decision.

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Your friend,


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